Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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218 • GUARDIANS OF THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONDifferent psychological devices and fallacies come into play in thegroupthink syndrome. These include:Cognitive Bolstering: The group or chief decision maker marshalsall <strong>of</strong> the evidence supporting the predetermined decision but excludesany contrary evidence.Defensive Avoidance: The group avoids hearing or examiningevidence questioning the wisdom <strong>of</strong> their decision, or by refusing tomake a decision that would reverse their course <strong>of</strong> action, they committhemselves to continue the same course by default.Entrapment, or the “Sunk-Cost Syndrome”: Once the decidedcourse <strong>of</strong> action is undertaken, the group refuses to contemplatebacking down or not carrying out their threats, usually on the pleathat one or more <strong>of</strong> their comrades lost their life in the action andthat therefore changing their decision would mean that the comradehad died in vain.Stereotyping: An essential part <strong>of</strong> the groupthink syndrome is thestereotyping <strong>of</strong> the enemy as being stupid, evil, and incompetent.The terrorists in the grip <strong>of</strong> groupthink refuse to assess realisticallythe ability <strong>of</strong> the targeted state to defend itself, thwart the group’sintended actions, or even defeat them.GUARDIANS OF THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION. Name underwhich credit was taken for the 7 July 1980 bombings <strong>of</strong> the Rome<strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> Snia-Technit Corporation and for the 2 October 1987 assassination<strong>of</strong> an émigré Iranian dissident and his son in London.The group is ostensibly a pro-Iranian Shi’ite terrorist group and isbelieved to be responsible for the murders in 1988 <strong>of</strong> a former minister<strong>of</strong> the shah’s government and <strong>of</strong> a German banker close to theIraqi war effort.It is entirely possible that, rather than being merely a nonstategroup enjoying Iranian state sponsorship, this group is actually anextension <strong>of</strong> Iranian state terror and active measures beyond itsborders, using Iranian intelligence and military personnel, rather thanan independent organization. In the case <strong>of</strong> the actual organizationHezbollah, the group took care to prevent other people or groupsfrom falsely claiming credit in its nom de guerre <strong>of</strong> Islamic Jihadby issuing its communiqués only to certain news outlets, usually accompaniedby some recent photographs <strong>of</strong> their hostages, thus provingtheir identity.

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