Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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MILITIA MOVEMENT • 427non–militia members or supporters as bizarre and ill-founded, thepopularity <strong>of</strong> these populist notions may explain much <strong>of</strong> the appeal<strong>of</strong> the militia movement for those Americans who are alienated fromconventional contemporary politics in the United States.By 31 March 1995 there were about 42 known private militiagroups in existence that advertised their existence. According to testimony<strong>of</strong> Bureau <strong>of</strong> Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) <strong>of</strong>ficialspresented in June 1995 before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommitteeon <strong>Terrorism</strong>, Technology, and Government Information,paramilitary militia groups could be found in at least 40 states. Accordingto the Southern Poverty Law Center, in 1996 their numberreached an all-time high <strong>of</strong> 858 but declined to 523 in 1997 and thento 435 in 1998. Other researchers have cited around 200 as being themaximum figure.At least 17 militia groups have been the subject <strong>of</strong> police investigationon various charges. Members <strong>of</strong> both the 1st MechanicalKansas Militia and the 3rd Continental Congress were arrested andconvicted on charges <strong>of</strong> plotting to bomb Fort Hood, Texas, in 1997.Members <strong>of</strong> the Arizona Patriots were convicted <strong>of</strong> conspiracy tobomb federal law enforcement targets in 1986. Members <strong>of</strong> theColorado 1st Light Infantry were arrested and convicted for charges<strong>of</strong> possession <strong>of</strong> illegal firearms and explosives. The Freemen <strong>of</strong>Montana were disbanded following prosecutions for extortion andintimidation <strong>of</strong> public <strong>of</strong>ficials after a highly publicized siege by lawenforcement <strong>of</strong>ficials in 1996. Similarly, members <strong>of</strong> one faction <strong>of</strong>the Republic <strong>of</strong> Texas were prosecuted and convicted for carryingout a hostage-barricade siege in 1997. Both the Washington StateMilitia and the Freemen <strong>of</strong> Washington were disbanded followingprosecutions <strong>of</strong> its members on charges <strong>of</strong> conspiracy and possession<strong>of</strong> illegal weapons and explosives. Members <strong>of</strong> the MountaineerMilitia <strong>of</strong> West Virginia were convicted in 1996 for plotting to bombfederal government buildings. Members <strong>of</strong> the Virginia-based BlueRidge Hunt Club were arrested on arms charges in 1994, as wereseveral members <strong>of</strong> the Georgia Republic Militia in 1996. In 1995 theOklahoma Constitutional Militia was disbanded upon conviction <strong>of</strong>its members for plotting to bomb gay bars, abortion clinics, and theSouthern Poverty Law Center. The Minnesota Patriots Council wasdisbanded upon conviction <strong>of</strong> its members for a plot to poison federal<strong>of</strong>ficials with ricin. The San Joaquin Militia was disbanded upon the

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