Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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272 • INSURGENCYhired itself out to various regimes to commit assassinations on acontract basis. The group ceased to exist under Communist rule inpost-Yugoslavia due to arrests and purges <strong>of</strong> suspected Macedoniannationalists and other potential dissidents.INSURGENCY. One definition for insurgency is “a struggle betweena group lacking authority and the governing authorities in which thegroup lacking authority uses both political resources and violence toeither destroy the legitimacy <strong>of</strong> the ruling group or else to change theterms by which legitimate power is held, and to establish their ownalternative legitimacy” (Bard E. O’Neill, Insurgency and <strong>Terrorism</strong>:Modern Revolutionary Warfare [Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s,1990]). Another criterion for distinguishing insurgencies fromisolated guerrilla hit-and-run attacks or terrorist actions is whetherthe guerrillas have begun openly to control areas <strong>of</strong> land within acontested country. As such, insurgency falls between the extremes<strong>of</strong> revolution, in which the major part <strong>of</strong> the society becomes involvedin the change <strong>of</strong> regime, and terrorism by individuals orgroups lacking any nonterrorist complementary political program.Insurgents generally will use either conventional warfare or terroristtactics as they perceive the situation warrants but may limit theirterrorist actions as their political program requires. Insurgents maychoose to target civilians as a tactic to delegitimize the government,which may be perceived as unable or unwilling to provide civilianswith security, or else to provoke the government into overreacting.Using this definition, one may regard the Basque Fatherland andLiberty group as part <strong>of</strong> a Basque insurgency rather than as merelya terrorist group. The political goals <strong>of</strong> this group have directed theirterrorist actions to attacking symbols <strong>of</strong> Spanish hegemony, and theSpanish security forces in particular, rather than Spanish civiliansgenerally.INTELLIGENCE. This term refers to the systematic gathering andanalysis <strong>of</strong> information for decision makers concerning real or potentialenemies, or even about erstwhile allies, in order to protect one’sown national or group interests. Nation-states maintain intelligenceorganizations <strong>of</strong>ten specializing in criminal, diplomatic, economic,or military information gathering. But in addition to this function <strong>of</strong>surveillance, or espionage, these agencies may also be mandated toengage in covert operations to protect or advance the nation-state’s

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