Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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CINCHONEROS POPULAR LIBERATION MOVEMENT • 109claimed responsibility for the bombing <strong>of</strong> the home <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong>Narita airport in which the garage and a car were damaged. Neitherincident caused any injuries or fatalities. On 2 October 2001 a pipebomb damaged the car <strong>of</strong> a Chiba prefecture government <strong>of</strong>ficialwhose work was connected with Narita airport. While no responsibilitywas claimed, Chukaka-Ha was suspected <strong>of</strong> being the perpetrator.Since 2001 the group is not known to have carried out any otherattacks. In recent years, the following <strong>of</strong> the group appears to havedeclined but the current numbers <strong>of</strong> supporters and active membersare not known.CIA HEADQUARTERS ATTACK. See CENTRAL INTELLI-GENCE AGENCY HEADQUARTERS ATTACK.CINCHONEROS POPULAR LIBERATION MOVEMENT. TheMovimiento Popular de Liberación (MPL) was a revolutionarygroup under Cuban and Nicaraguan state sponsorship seeking tooverthrow the Honduran government and to oppose the interests<strong>of</strong> the United States in the region. Its own ideology represented aneclectic blend <strong>of</strong> Marxist-Leninist and populist notions. The MPLwas the armed wing <strong>of</strong> the People’s Revolutionary Union, a splintergroup <strong>of</strong> the Honduran Communist Party that appeared in 1980.Their informal name, Cinchoneros, is derived from the nickname <strong>of</strong>Serapio “Cinchonero” Romero, a Honduran peasant leader supposedlyexecuted in the late 1800s.The group’s activities included bombings and kidnappings.While it largely financed itself through bank robberies and kidnappingfor ransom, the MPL was suspected <strong>of</strong> receiving training, arms,logistical support, and funds from Cuba. Salvadoran FarabundoMartí National Liberation Front (FMLN) guerrillas reportedlytrained Cinchonero forces within Honduras and participated withthem in kidnapping operations. The Sandinista government allowedCinchonero guerrillas sanctuary in Nicaraguan territory and hadused them as auxiliary forces in fighting the contras.On 24 March 1980 five Cinchoneros hijacked a HonduranAirlines 737 to Managua, Nicaragua, to force the release <strong>of</strong> 15Salvadoran leftists imprisoned in Honduras. The hijacked planewas flown to Panama before the captive passengers and crew werefinally released. On 17 September 1982 they took 105 hostages atan economic conference at the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce in San Pedro

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