Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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378 • LAUTARO YOUTH MOVEMENTthe Feast <strong>of</strong> Lights, one <strong>of</strong> the major religious feast days <strong>of</strong> Hinduism.The LT conducted eight minor attacks involving grenade attacks on Indiantourists in Kashmir and police targets, but also conducted a series<strong>of</strong> bombings on 7 March 2006 in Varanasi, the Hindu holy city on theGanges River, killing 37 and injuring 89. The worst LT attack was on11 July 2006 involving several bombs on commuter trains in Mumbai,killing 211 and injuring 714. In September 2006 one <strong>of</strong> the LT frontgroups, the Markaz ad Dawa, issued a fatwa calling for the assassination<strong>of</strong> Pope Benedict XVI for a controversial remark interpreted bymany Muslims as being insulting to Islam.During 26–29 November 2009, 10 attackers <strong>of</strong> LT struck 10 targetsin Mumbai, India, with machine-gun and grenade attacks thatkilled at least 173 people, including many Indian police and security<strong>of</strong>ficials, and injured at least 308. This attack was the worst in India’shistory since its independence in 1947 and led to a severe crisis in Indian-Pakistanirelations. See also KASMIRI SEPARATISM; MUM-BAI ATTACKS.LAUTARO YOUTH MOVEMENT. The Lautaros were militant members<strong>of</strong> the Movimiento de Acción Unitaria Popular-Lautaro (MAPU/L), or Popular Movement <strong>of</strong> United Action-Lautaro, who broke awayfrom the original United Popular Action Movement (MAPU), an extremeleftist splinter group that itself had split <strong>of</strong>f from the ChileanChristian Democratic Party in 1968. The MAPU/L formed an evenmore radical group that sought political change through violent revolution.The MAPU/L had a youth wing, the Movimiento Juvenil Lautaro(MJL), or Lautaro Youth Movement, also known as the Lautaro Faction,as well as a military wing known as the Fuerzas Revolutionarias yPopulares Lautaro (FRPL), the Lautaro Rebel Forces. The Chilean intelligenceservices referred to the three related groups as the ComplejoPartidario MAPU-Lautaro, or Multi-Partisan MAPU-Lautaro. Thename Lautaro referred to the chief <strong>of</strong> the Mapuche Indians who diedresisting the Spanish conquerors <strong>of</strong> Chile in 1557.The Lautaros began their terrorist campaign just prior to the presidentialelection and transfer <strong>of</strong> power on 11 March 1989 that ended therule <strong>of</strong> General Augusto Pinochet. It included a series <strong>of</strong> attacks on policestations and Mormon churches, robberies <strong>of</strong> shops, supermarkets,and banks, and truck heists. Although the Lautaros appeared to haveleftist leaders and used leftist rhetoric, its following consisted largely<strong>of</strong> alienated unemployed urban youth <strong>of</strong> slum areas and may represent

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