Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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REJECTION FRONT • 581posed the Good Friday Agreement <strong>of</strong> 10 April 1998. The RHD firstappeared when it claimed responsibility for the 7 September 1998bombing that killed a Royal Ulster Constabulary <strong>of</strong>ficer, FrankieO’Reilly. A further action was the shooting death <strong>of</strong> a Catholic man,Brian Service, on 31 October 1998, the timing <strong>of</strong> which appeared tohave been intended to stall the faltering peace talks and to sabotagethe cease-fire being observed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA)and major Ulster militia groups. The RHD also claimed responsibilityfor the murder <strong>of</strong> Rosemary Nelson, a Catholic human rightslawyer, killed by a car bomb in Lurgan on 15 March 1998.During 2000 the RHD carried out two bombings without causinginjuries or death. During 2001 the RHD carrried out 16 attacks <strong>of</strong>which seven were shootings, five were attempted bombings, and fourwere successful bombings. The RHD targeted Gaelic Athletic Association(GAA) gyms and soccer fields and Catholic postal workers,taxi drivers, and families living in Protestant areas. The RHD shotto death a Catholic politician, Ciaran Cummings, on 4 July 2001,a Protestant teenager outside a GAA gym on 29 July 2001, and aCatholic journalist, Martin O’Hagan, on 28 September 2001. On 22August 2001 the group attempted to assassinate Sinn Fein leaderMartin McGuiness, who later became deputy first minister <strong>of</strong> NorthernIreland in May 2007. In 2002 the RHD assassinated one Catholicpostal worker and attempted two pipe bombings, with its last knownattack being an attempted pipe bombing <strong>of</strong> a Catholic home on 19December 2002. The group used homemade pipe bombs but also hadaccess to grenades and handguns.The RHD appeared at the same time as the Orange Volunteers,and many observers believe that the membership <strong>of</strong> these two groupsoverlapped. Observers believe that the RHD is a means for members<strong>of</strong> the larger Protestant paramilitaries, which have nominallysubscribed to a renunciation <strong>of</strong> violence, to allow their members tocontinue terrorist attacks on Catholics and Republican targets.REJECTION FRONT. In 1974 the Popular Front for the Liberation<strong>of</strong> Palestine (PFLP) established the Jebhe al-Qawwa al-Filastiniyyaal-Rafez al Hulul al Istisalam, or Front Rejecting CapitulationistSolutions, to oppose the participation <strong>of</strong> the Palestine LiberationOrganization (PLO) in any negotiated settlement <strong>of</strong> the Arab-Israeliconflict. The Democratic Front for the Liberation <strong>of</strong> Palestine,

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