Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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360 • KNEECAPPINGsea carriers that gives the terrorists political leverage rather than themere fact <strong>of</strong> seizing a transportation carrier.Kidnapping has become a major problem in Latin America, particularlyin Colombia, which once had the highest rate <strong>of</strong> kidnappingsin the world. By 1995 Latin America was experiencing about6,000 kidnappings per year, <strong>of</strong> which 4,000 occurred in Colombia,about 800 each in Brazil and Mexico, about 200 each in Ecuador andVenezuela, and about 100 each in Guatemala and Peru. About onehalf<strong>of</strong> the kidnappings in Colombia were by guerrilla groups suchas the Revolutionary Armed Forces <strong>of</strong> Colombia (FARC) or theNational Liberation Army (ELN). In Colombia during 1992–1995,out <strong>of</strong> 3,525 cases reported to authorities, the national police rescuedonly about 11 percent <strong>of</strong> those kidnapped, and in these cases only 70percent <strong>of</strong> those involved have been arrested, tried, and sentenced.By way <strong>of</strong> comparison, the United States experiences fewer than adozen kidnappings for ransom each year. By 2004 Iraq surpassed Colombiain the numbers <strong>of</strong> kidnappings occurring within its borders.Iraqi insurgents began kidnapping members <strong>of</strong> the U.S.-led coalitionforces and civilian contract workers, both Iraqi and foreign, as wellas ordinary Iraqis targeted for their sectarian or ethnic affiliations.In the period 2004–2007, more than 200 non-Iraqis and thousands<strong>of</strong> Iraqis were kidnapped, <strong>of</strong>ten followed by their being tortured andmurdered, and sometimes by beheading. Since the U.S.-led surge <strong>of</strong>troops beginning in early 2007, the total numbers <strong>of</strong> kidnappings andother terrorist actions within Iraq have fallen, although these activitieshave not ceased altogether.Anglo-Saxon criminal jurisprudence distinguishes between kidnappingin the form <strong>of</strong> hostage taking for political purposes or criminalextortion as described above, and abduction, which is generallykidnapping <strong>of</strong> women and children, usually for sexual purposes. Ofgreat concern to prosecutors and investigators is the phenomenon <strong>of</strong>the Stockholm syndrome, in which former hostages become reluctantto testify against their kidnappers or abductors.KNEECAPPING. Form <strong>of</strong> torture or punishment in which the victimis shot through one or more <strong>of</strong> his kneecaps by a small-caliber pistol.The punishment has <strong>of</strong>ten been used by the Irish Republican Army(IRA), Prima Linea, and other groups, either as a form <strong>of</strong> assaultagainst a targeted person, or to punish a hostage and so subdue

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