Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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UNITED FREEDOM FRONT • 689FAC), had been ongoing from 1975 until 1994, when the Lusaka Accordpolitical settlement brokered by the United Nations (UN) seemedto take hold. In the 29–30 September 1992 national presidential elections,Savimbi won 40.1 percent <strong>of</strong> the popular vote, second to dosSantos’s 49.6 percent, while in the parliamentary elections UNITAwon 70 <strong>of</strong> the 220 seats in the National Assembly, making it secondto dos Santos’s MPLA party, which won 129 seats. Then in June 1998the political settlement collapsed, and UNITA resumed its attempts tooverthrow the ruling government, recapturing half <strong>of</strong> the countrysideand forcing 200,000 Angolans from their villages.UNITA resumed fighting due to instances <strong>of</strong> vindictive treatment <strong>of</strong>former UNITA fighters by government police and <strong>of</strong>ficials sent intothe areas formerly held by UNITA. Ironically, the Marxist governmentthat formerly looked to the Soviet Union and Cuba for support againstthe UNITA insurgency then turned to United States and Westernoil companies for support on the supposition that a UNITA takeoverwould interfere with their oil-extraction interests. UNITA forces shotdown an Angolan government plane near Kuito on 14 December 1998.In nearby Vila Nova, on 26 December 1998, UNITA forces also shotdown a C-130 carrying UN observers sent to enforce the 1994 LusakaAccord. Fighting between UNITA and government troops in this centralregion <strong>of</strong> Angola had killed 200 civilians and injured another 400.UNITA also joined forces with Cabindan rebels in attacking Angolanand foreign workers involved in oil extraction in the Cabinda enclave.Jonas Savimbi was killed by government troops on 22 February2002. On 31 March 2002 the remaining leaders <strong>of</strong> UNITA signed anagreement with Angolan <strong>of</strong>ficials agreeing to a cease-fire and blanketamnesty for UNITA members, effectively ending the Angolan civilwar. Since 2003 UNITA has been led by Isaías Samakuva and appearedto be willing to participate in the parliamentary elections scheduledfor 2008 and the presidential elections scheduled for 2009.UNITED FREEDOM FRONT (UFF). The UFF was a nonstate U.S.anarchistic leftist group that engaged in terrorism to protest U.S.policy in Central America and South Africa. Its main terrorist activityconsisted <strong>of</strong> bombings against military and defense-related industrialtargets in the New York metropolitan area. The group was foundedby Raymond Luc Levasseur and Tom Manning, two Vietnam Warveterans, in 1974 and had at most seven members.

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