Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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TÚPAC AMARU REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT • 673lowing the Cuban and Nicaraguan models. It was the main rival withinPeru <strong>of</strong> the Sendero Luminoso, from which it differed in rejecting thexenophobia and ideological isolationism <strong>of</strong> the latter group, stressinginstead fraternal unity with other Marxist regimes and national liberationmovements. The MRTA used terrorism primarily for armedpropaganda, both to delegiti mize the Peruvian regime and to force theU.S. diplomatic and commercial presence out <strong>of</strong> Peru.The MRTA was formed by a combination <strong>of</strong> leftist universitystudents, many <strong>of</strong> whom went into exile in Cuba and the SovietUnion when Peru was under military rule during the 1970s, as well asformer leftist military <strong>of</strong>ficers. The group therefore reflected a moreCastroite and internationalist perspective than did the Sendero Luminoso.The MRTA was aided by Cuba and the former Sandinista government<strong>of</strong> Nicaragua and was suspected <strong>of</strong> receiving aid from Libya.The MRTA also once had contacts with the Colombian M-19 groupand is believed to have collaborated with the Manuel Rodríguez PatrioticFront in Chile and with the reconstituted National LiberationArmy (Nestor Paz Zamora Commission), <strong>of</strong> Bolivia. The MRTAtook its name from an earlier national, anticolonial, and revolutionaryhero, the Inca pretender Túpac Amaru, who led Peru’s Indianpeasants in an abortive anticolonial revolt and who was executed bythe Spaniards in 1782. Although Túpac Amaru based his revolt onan appeal to Indian nativist resentment against Spaniard domination,there was little evidence that the MRTA made any systematic appealto Indian nativism as did its rival, Sendero Luminoso.Formed in the early 1980s by former military <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> theleft-wing dictatorship <strong>of</strong> Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968–1975) anda small Castroite guerrilla group, the Movement <strong>of</strong> the RevolutionaryLeft-Militant, the MRTA became active on 31 May 1982 witha bank robbery in Lima, although it did not claim responsibilityfor its actions until 1984. Of 51 confirmed MRTA terrorist actionsconducted from 1984–1991, 37 involved bombings, four involvedarmed attacks using automatic weapons or light artillery, threeinvolved car bombings, and seven involved takeovers <strong>of</strong> radiostations, news agency <strong>of</strong>fices, or churches to force publication <strong>of</strong>MRTA propaganda. At least nine <strong>of</strong> these attacks were directed atU.S. diplomatic property and persons, giving the MRTA the distinction<strong>of</strong> making the most attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities <strong>of</strong>any group in Latin America. The MRTA distinguished itself from

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