Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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516 • PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATIONPalestinian Authority created on 4 May 1994 is <strong>of</strong>ten viewed as thesuccessor <strong>of</strong> the PLO, technically it is an interim governing agencyfor the administration <strong>of</strong> the Palestinian territories pending final statusnegotiations between Israel and the PLO. Within the Arab Leaguethe PLO remains the main representative <strong>of</strong> the Palestinian peopleboth within the Palestinian territories and among Palestinians livingoutside the territories <strong>of</strong> the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.When the PLO was founded on 28 May 1964, its nominal leader,Ahmad al Shuqairy, had declared that its purpose was to “drive theJews into the sea.” Later the PLO asserted that it sought to establishan independent Palestinian homeland on any liberated part <strong>of</strong> “historicPalestine” and would recognize the right <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> Israel to existin exchange for that homeland. In either case, it is a revolutionaryirredentist and ethnonationalist group that has, until recently, usedterrorism and armed struggle as a means to achieve an independentPalestinian national state. While some constituent members <strong>of</strong> thePLO, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation <strong>of</strong> Palestine(PFLP) and other groups, have stated the aims <strong>of</strong> creating a Pan-Arabrevolutionary movement, or a Marxist-Leninist revolution, or even aworld revolutionary movement, as among the goals <strong>of</strong> the Palestinians,such views are <strong>of</strong>ten idiosyncratic to these groups rather thanrepresentative <strong>of</strong> the PLO as a whole. Al Fatah, which has maintainedthe largest share <strong>of</strong> seats on the PLO Executive Committee, has notlinked the issue <strong>of</strong> Palestinian national rights to the goal <strong>of</strong> Pan-Arabunity or to any specific social-economic order or program.The original PLO was created by the first Palestine National Council(PNC) shortly after it convened on 28 May 1964, largely under thedirection <strong>of</strong> the Arab League. Its complete subservience to the Arabstates at that time was reflected in the fact that its national chartermade no mention <strong>of</strong> seeking to create an independent Palestinianstate. Members <strong>of</strong> al Fatah, the oldest Palestinian guerrilla group, basicallyignored the PLO at the time, regarding it as irrelevant to theirown preparations for armed struggle against Israel. After the Arabdefeat in the 1967 war discredited the Arab regimes sponsoring thePLO, al Fatah and other similar guerrilla groups entered the PLO andseized control in February 1969, electing the head <strong>of</strong> al Fatah, YasirArafat, as chairman <strong>of</strong> the PLO Executive Committee.While the PLO since then has been willing to accept material aidfrom the various Arab states, as well as from Iran following its 1978

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