Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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164 • ENVIRONMENTALIST TERRORISMas the Colombian cocaine cartels, to pressure or co-opt the governmentsopposing such criminals.The term entrepreneurial is used to designate this third category,since very <strong>of</strong>ten the limited end(s) being sought are merely the pr<strong>of</strong>itsthe group can extract from either extortion or from the sale <strong>of</strong> itsterrorist abilities to whatever buyer, or else a limited policy goal thatthe policy entrepreneurs <strong>of</strong> a specialized interest group are seeking.Sometimes a revolutionary group that is never able to achieve its originalgoals may become entrepreneurial, an example being the InnerMacedonian Revolutionary Organization, which began as a nationalistsociety in 1900 but had degenerated to becoming a criminalfor-hirehit squad by World War II.This term, however, is also used in this dictionary to refer to terroristgroups that are essentially single-interest groups or criminalenterprises. Thus, groups like the Animal Liberation Front or theAnanda Marg cult, which each sought only a very limited andspecific goal, quite apart from changing or maintaining a sociopoliticalstatus quo, are also considered entrepreneurial ins<strong>of</strong>ar asthey are absorbed in the marginal gain or loss <strong>of</strong> their limited ends.Another example concerns hijacking. Hijacking to gain passengersas hostages with which to put pressure on a government to complywith political demands could be either a revolutionary or, if thegroup is a state-sponsored proxy, a state terrorist act. Hijacking aplane merely to escape to a desired country could be considered anentrepreneurial act.ENVIRONMENTALIST TERRORISM. See ECOTAGE.EOKA. The Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston (National Organization<strong>of</strong> Cypriot Fighters) was a Greek Cypriot ethnonationalistrevolutionary group dedicated to winning Cypriot independencefrom Great Britain and uniting Cyprus with Greece. This groupalso had Greek state support from 1971 to 1974. Beginning on31 March 1955 up to 1958, EOKA conducted anti-British terroristbombings and assassinations throughout Cyprus. In 1958 theBritish granted Cyprus independence, but under a constitutionthat recognized and protected the rights <strong>of</strong> the island’s Turkishminority and allowed the British to maintain control over certainmilitary bases, conditions that blocked the unification with Greecethat EOKA had sought.

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