Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition

Historical Dictionary of Terrorism Third Edition


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FREEZING OF ASSETS/SEQUESTRATION • 205acts <strong>of</strong> violence that would disrupt the Middle East peace process,and he blocked transactions by U.S. citizens with these foreign persons.Regulations implementing this Executive Order were issued on2 February 1996 (61 Fed. Reg 3,805 [1996]). This Executive Orderblocked the assets <strong>of</strong> the Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Hamas, andAbu Nidal organizations, among others, as well as assets <strong>of</strong> variousfront groups that had been established in the United States for thepurposes <strong>of</strong> gathering funds for such groups under charitable andeducational pretenses.Beyond these Presidential actions, the Congress and presidentpassed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act <strong>of</strong>1996, which, in Section 302, forbids fund-raising and other materialsupport for organizations designated as terrorist groups or found toengage in activities defined as terrorist activities under U.S. law and,in Section 303, criminalizes knowingly providing, or attempting toprovide, material support to a foreign terrorist group. Section 303also requires financial institutions to freeze the funds <strong>of</strong> any personor group involved in funding those terrorist groups.Following the World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks <strong>of</strong>September 11, 2001, the administration <strong>of</strong> President George W.Bush issued Executive Order 13224, allowing the U.S. governmentto designate and sequester the assets <strong>of</strong> terrorist individuals or groupsthat commit, or pose a significant risk <strong>of</strong> committing, acts <strong>of</strong> terrorismor else that provide support or assistance to such people orgroups. This led to the immediate freezing <strong>of</strong> assets <strong>of</strong> more than 60individuals and firms believed to have ties to terrorist groups. On 7November 2001 the assets <strong>of</strong> the al Barakat and al Taqwa financialnetworks were seized as they were believed to have direct ties tothe al Qa’eda network <strong>of</strong> Osama bin Laden, the alleged principalbehind the September 11 attacks. When an individual or group isdesignated as a terrorist group or financial sponsor <strong>of</strong> such a groupunder Executive Order 13224, the order applies to all subsidiaries,front organizations, agents, and associates <strong>of</strong> such groups. Whenevera group is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) bythe Secretary <strong>of</strong> State pursuant to Section 219 <strong>of</strong> the Immigrationand Nationality Act, then all U.S. financial institutions are requiredto freeze the funds <strong>of</strong> such FTOs.In addition to the sequestering <strong>of</strong> funds <strong>of</strong> al-Qa’eda front organizations,such as the al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, Executive

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