A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks


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:OF THE DRUIDS. 121(by <strong>the</strong> way) prevail'd over all <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>the</strong> Celticnations kindled o<strong>the</strong>r fires on midsummer eve,which are still<strong>of</strong> Ireland ;continu'd by <strong>the</strong> Roman Catholicsmaking <strong>the</strong>m in all <strong>the</strong>ir grounds, andcarrying tlaming brands about <strong>the</strong>ircorn-fields.This <strong>the</strong>y do likewise all over France, and insome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scottish iles. These midsummer firesand sacrifices, were toobtain a blessing on <strong>the</strong>fruits <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth, now becoming ready forga<strong>the</strong>ring;as those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first <strong>of</strong> May, that <strong>the</strong>ymight prosperously grow :and those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> last<strong>of</strong> October, were a thanksgiving for finishing <strong>the</strong>irharvest.But in all <strong>of</strong> 'em regard was also had to<strong>the</strong> several degrees <strong>of</strong> increase and decrease in <strong>the</strong>heat <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun; as in treating <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir astronomy,and manner <strong>of</strong> reckoning time, we shallclearlyshow. Their o<strong>the</strong>r festivals with <strong>the</strong>ir peculiarobservations, shall be likewise explain'd each in<strong>the</strong>ir proper sections; especially that <strong>of</strong> Newyear'sday, or <strong>the</strong> tenth <strong>of</strong> March (<strong>the</strong>ir fourthgrand festival) which was none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> least solemnand which w as<strong>the</strong> day <strong>of</strong> seeking, cutting, andconsecrating <strong>the</strong>ir wonder-working. All-heal, ormisselto <strong>of</strong> oak. This is <strong>the</strong> ceremony to whichVirgilalludes by his golden-hranch, in <strong>the</strong> sixthbook <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Aeneid, for which <strong>the</strong>re is incontestablepro<strong>of</strong>, which we shall give in a section on this subject.'Tis Pliny who says, that <strong>the</strong> Druids call'dit, ia <strong>the</strong>ir language, by a word si^nifyino^ All-

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