A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks


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NOTES* 409sacrifices, because his Gothic system could not stand without<strong>the</strong>m. But <strong>the</strong> true point <strong>of</strong> astonishment is, that <strong>the</strong> man whocan thus deliberately deny <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> zcorld, <strong>the</strong> deluge^and consequently <strong>the</strong> whole system <strong>of</strong> revelation,should have<strong>the</strong> consummate impudence, or ra<strong>the</strong>r folly, to charge Mr. Tolandwith infidelity, and disrespect to <strong>the</strong> sacred records.Havingthus sicallowed <strong>the</strong> ddnge, which impeded his Gothic career^and modelled <strong>the</strong> creation to his own purpose, let us now attendto <strong>the</strong> result. The Sct/ihians, (Goths) says he, (ibidem, p. 187.)whom <strong>the</strong> dawn <strong>of</strong> his tori/ discocers in present Persia, under <strong>the</strong>irking Tanaus, attack Vexores, king <strong>of</strong> Egypt, and conquer Asia^(Justin) 1500 years before Ninus, or about 3660 before Christ.By this means he makes <strong>the</strong> Scythians conquer Asia in <strong>the</strong> 344thyear <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, and exactly 586 years (according to scripturechronology) before <strong>the</strong> death <strong>of</strong> Adam. Mr. Pinkarton washere in a great strait.records.He must ei<strong>the</strong>r credit Justin or <strong>the</strong> sacredIf <strong>the</strong> latter, nei<strong>the</strong>r he, nor his favourite Goths, couldsurmount <strong>the</strong> barrier <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> deluge.But <strong>the</strong>re was ano<strong>the</strong>r ob*stacie in <strong>the</strong> way, viz. scripture chronology. Concerning it, hesays, (ibidem, page 186.)—Ancient chronology has been ruinedby attempting t<strong>of</strong>orce it to scripture, which is surely no canon <strong>of</strong>chronology. But undent chronology ought only to be estimatedfrom ancient authors, and kept quite apart from scriptural chromnology. The date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> creation, Sfc. can never be decided, ei<strong>the</strong>rfrom scripture or o<strong>the</strong>rwise, and such speculations are futile.Orthodox and immaculate christian!!! No wonder that thyrighteous spirit was grieved with <strong>Toland's</strong> infidelity, and thatthou exclaimest most bitterly against it.But who is this mightyHea<strong>the</strong>n Goliah, before whom <strong>the</strong> whole system <strong>of</strong> revealed religionmust fall ? It is <strong>the</strong> weak, <strong>the</strong> foolish, <strong>the</strong> fabulous Justin,<strong>the</strong> unprincipled abridger <strong>of</strong> Trogus Pompeius, who is, with <strong>the</strong>greatestgood reason, suspected <strong>of</strong> destroying <strong>the</strong> original, tha<strong>the</strong> might give currency to his own fictions.The reader is desiredto remark that Pinkarton expressly says, (in <strong>the</strong> passagealready quoted) that <strong>the</strong> Scythians under <strong>the</strong>ir king Tanaus, at»tack Vexores, king <strong>of</strong> Egypt, and conquer Aiia^ &c, and gives

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