A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks


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182 THE HISTORYwheras Albion was <strong>the</strong> distinguishing name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Britain now peculiarly so call'd, and so famousin <strong>the</strong> Greec and Roman writings *."These particulars(I repeat it) much below <strong>the</strong> dignity <strong>of</strong> ourhistory, will be found in <strong>the</strong>^before-mention'd dissertation;which, tho' infinitely less useful, I dareprophesy will be full as much read, if not muchThe greatest men, however, havemore relish'd.not thought it unbecoming <strong>the</strong>m, to search at <strong>the</strong>irleisure into such originals: and I, for my part,found it almost a necessary imployment, considering<strong>the</strong> light it adds to my principal work.IV. To return thi<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>refore, <strong>the</strong>re are diversepassages, some longer, some shorter, in <strong>the</strong>most ancient Greec authors we have, or copy'd by<strong>the</strong>se from such as are quite lost; which, tho' generallyneglected and unobserv'd, will be no smallornament to <strong>the</strong> history I have taken in hand.And, to say it here by <strong>the</strong> way, 'tis certain that<strong>the</strong> more antient Greec writers, such as Hecateus,Eudoxus, Hipparchus, Eratos<strong>the</strong>nes, Polybius,Posidonius (not to speak <strong>of</strong> Dicearchus ando<strong>the</strong>rs) k<strong>new</strong> a great deal <strong>of</strong> truth concerning <strong>the</strong>Brittish ilands: by reason <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> frequent navigations<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Greecs into <strong>the</strong>se parts, after <strong>the</strong> waywas shown <strong>the</strong>m by <strong>the</strong> Phenicians; so antientan author as Herodotus affirming, that his coun-* Britannia clara Graecis nostrisque scriptoribus Albionipsi nomen fuit, cum Britanniae vocarentur omncs, [tnsulacnempe Britannicae.] Nat, Hut. lib. 4. cap. 10.

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