A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks

A new edition of Toland's History of the druids: - Free History Ebooks


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NOTES. 327to <strong>the</strong> Celtic districts. But tlie fact is, that <strong>the</strong>se stones arerounded with <strong>the</strong> nicest skill, and poized with <strong>the</strong>exactest mechanism.They are always found near some Druidical edifice<strong>of</strong> superior magnificence, and <strong>the</strong> man whose head is so gothicizedas toreckon <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> chance, need not hesitateto pronounce St. Giles' Church, or Lord Nelson's Monument, alusus natiircelThat <strong>the</strong>se rocking stones were really artificial,is clearly established by Pliny, who (lib. 34. cap. 7.) gives us<strong>the</strong> following account <strong>of</strong> one.''Talis et Tarent i factus a Ly.sippo qiiadraginta cubiionr.n.Mirum in eo, qiiod manu^ ut fe~runt^ mobilis (ea ratio libramenti) nulUs convellaiur procellis.Id qutdem providisse et artifex dicitur, modico intervallo, widemaximejiatum opus eratfrangi, opposite columna.''^—i.e. '• Andsuch a one, forty cubits high, was made at Tarentum, by Lysippus.The wonder <strong>of</strong> this stone is, that it is said to be moveableby a touch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hand, (owing to <strong>the</strong> particular manner inwhich it is poized), and cannot be moved by <strong>the</strong> greatest force.Indeed, <strong>the</strong> workman issaid to have guarded against this, byopposing ?i fulcrum (prop) at a small distance, where it was exposedto <strong>the</strong> blast, and most liable to be broken." Had Plinybeen giving a description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rocking stones in Scotland, hecould not have done it more exactly. They were, indeed, sopoized, and had so little room to vibrate, that <strong>the</strong> slightest touchgave <strong>the</strong>m all <strong>the</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong>y were capable.Well knowing that <strong>the</strong>se stones bear <strong>the</strong> most unequivocalcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> art, Mr. Pinkarton, in <strong>the</strong> next breath, confuteshimself, and tells us <strong>the</strong>y are sepulchral monuments.Theinstance he gives us is from AppoMonius Rhodius, who writesthat Hercules, having slain <strong>the</strong> two sons <strong>of</strong> Boreas, erected over<strong>the</strong>m two stones, one <strong>of</strong> which moves to <strong>the</strong> sonorous breath <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> north wind. Apollonius wrote <strong>the</strong> Argonautica ; and it iswell known <strong>the</strong> Argonauts, in<strong>the</strong>ir exp<strong>edition</strong>, visited many <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Celtic districts, and might have carried along with <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>model <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se stones. Nay, what is more to <strong>the</strong> purpose, it ismost likely <strong>the</strong>y carried one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se stones along with <strong>the</strong>m,for Pliny (lib. 36. cap. 15.) tells us that <strong>the</strong>re is a rocking stoneT t2

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