Libro Academia Nacional de Medicina CONSENSO 2010-1

Libro Academia Nacional de Medicina CONSENSO 2010-1

Libro Academia Nacional de Medicina CONSENSO 2010-1


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290. Rogers F, Reath D, Spain D et al. A prospective study of predictors or disability at 3month after non-central nervous system trauma. J Trauma 1998; 44:642-643.291. Rogers F, Shackford S, Hoyt, D et al. Trauma <strong>de</strong>aths in a mature urban versus ruraltrauma system. Arch Surg 1997; 132:376-382.292. Rogers F, Shackford S, Osler, T, Vane D, Davis J. Rural Trauma: The challenge for thenext <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. J Trauma 1999; 47:802-821.293. Rogers F, Shackford S, Osler, T, Vane D, Davis J. Rural trauma: the challenge for thenext <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. J Trauma. 1999; 47:802-821.294. Rosenberg M, Pollock D, Waxweiler R. Dinner address: trauma care systems-what thecatch? J Trauma. 1999; 47:S81-84.295. Ruthledge R, Wiles C, Hammond J, McGonigal M. An artificial neural network as amo<strong>de</strong>l for prediction of survival in trauma patients: Validation for a regional trauma area -Discussion. J Trauma 2000; 49:220-221.296. Rutledge R, Hoyt D, Eastman, B et al. Comparison of the injury severity score and ICD-9 diagnosis co<strong>de</strong>s as predictors of outcome in injury: Analysis of 44032 patients. J Trauma1997; 42:477-487.297. Rutledge R, Osler T. The ICD-9-Based Illness Severity Score: A new mo<strong>de</strong>l that outperformsboth DRG and APR-DRG as predictors of survival and resource utilization. JTrauma 1998; 45:791-799.298. Rutledge R, Osler T, Emery S, Kromhoutschiro S. The end of the Injury Severity Score(ISS) and the Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS): ICISS, an International Classification ofDiseases, Ninth Revision-Based Prediction Tool, outperforms both ISS and TRISS as predictorsof trauma patient survival, hospital charges, and hospital length of stay. J Trauma 1998; 44:41-48.299. Ryb G, So<strong>de</strong>rstrom C, Kufera J, Dischinger P, Ho S. Use of blood alcohol concentrationand laboratory tests to <strong>de</strong>tect current alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce in trauma center patients. JTrauma 1999; 47:874-879.300. Sachs C, Sisley A, Jacobs L et al. Violence in America: A public health crisis-domesticviolence - Editorial comment. J Trauma 1999; 46:1112-1113.301. Saffle J. Differential performance of TRISS-like in early and late blunt trauma <strong>de</strong>aths. JTrauma 1997; 43:6-7.302. Sampalis J, Denis R, Fredchette, P et al. Direct transport to tertiary trauma centersversus transfer from lower level facilities: Impact on mortality and morbidity among patientswith major trauma. J Trauma 1997; 43:288-295.303. Sampalis J, Denis R, Lavoie A et al. Trauma care regionalization: A process-outcomeevaluation. J Trauma 1999; 46:565-579.304. Sampalis J, Lavoie A, Williams J, Mul<strong>de</strong>r D, Kalina M. Standardized mortality ratio analysison a sample of severely injured patients from a large Canadian city without regionalizedtrauma care. J Trauma. 1992; 33:205-212.305. Sariego J. Impact of a formal trauma program on a small rural hospital in Mississippi.Southern Medical Journal 2000; 93:182-185.306. Sartorelli K, Rogers F, Osler T et al. Financial aspects of providing trauma care at theextremes of life. J Trauma 1999; 46:483-487.307. Sayfan J, Berlin Y. Previous trauma as a risk factor for recurrent trauma in rural northenIsrael. J Trauma 1997; 43:123-125.308. Schootman M, Harlan M, Fuortes L. Use of the Capture-Recapture Method to EstimateSevere Traumatic Brain Injury Rates. J Trauma 2000; 48:70.309. Schwab W, Frankel H, Rotondo, M et al. The impact of true partnership between auniversity Level I trauma center and a community Level II trauma center on patient transferpractices. J Trauma 1998; 44:815-820.310. Schwab W, Mullins R, Nathens A. Effectiveness of state trauma systems in reducinginjury-related mortality: A national evaluation - Discussion. J Trauma 2000; 48:30-31.311. Seguin J, Garber B, Coyle D, Hébert P. An economic evaluation of trauma care in aCanadian lead trauma hospital. J Trauma. 1999; 47:S99-103.312. Sesperez J, Wilson S, Jalaludin B, Seger M, Sugrue Ml. Trauma Case Management andClinical Pathways: Prospective Evaluation of Their Effect on Selected Patient Outcomes inFive Key Trauma Conditions. J Trauma 2001; 50:643-649.313. Shackford S, Hollingsworth-Fridlung P, Cooper G et al. The effect of regionalizationupon the quality of trauma care as assessed by concurrent audit before and after institutionof a trauma system: a preliminary report. J Trauma. 1986; 26:812-820.314. Shackford S, Hollingsworth-Fridlung P, McArdle M. Eastman, B. Assuring quality in a traumasystem-the medical audit committee: composition, cost and results. J Trauma. 1987; 27:866-895.189

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