Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents


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the way in which popular cinema can capture the moods and tendencies of<br />

its own times, the class conflict crumbles in the face of the social myth of<br />

show-business: the crowd, belligerent only a moment before, changes mood<br />

completely the moment it recognizes in Maciste a cinema divo.<br />

The restoration of Maciste innamorato (Maciste in Love) was carried out<br />

in <strong>2006</strong> by the Cineteca di Bologna and the Museo Nazionale <strong>del</strong> <strong>Cinema</strong><br />

of Turin, at the laboratory L’Immagine Ritrovata, from a tinted nitrate print<br />

with English intertitles conserved by the BFI NFTVA, London, and from a<br />

nitrate negative printed from a work copy of the period, intended for the<br />

French market, conserved by the Cinémathèque Française in Paris. The<br />

Italian intertitles have been reconstructed from the evidence of period<br />

documents conserved in the Museo Nazionale <strong>del</strong> <strong>Cinema</strong> of Turin.<br />


SOLE / LA REGINA DI MARECHIARO (Polifilm, IT 1919)<br />

Regia/dir: Giulio Antamoro; scen: Pasquale Parisi; f./ph: Domenico<br />

Bazzichelli; cast: <strong>Le</strong>da Gys (Sole), Giovanni Grasso (Totò), Ignazio Lupi<br />

(barone/Baron Silvestro Bandi), Goffredo D’Andrea (marchese<br />

di/Marquis de Vamberry), Piero Concialdi; prod: 1918 (Napoli); première:<br />

21.3.1919 (Roma); 35mm, 3280 ft., 55’ (16 fps), George Eastman House,<br />

Roberto Pallme Collection.<br />

114<br />

Copia preservata e stampata nel 2004 / Preserved and printed 2004.<br />

Didascalie in italiano / Italian intertitles.<br />

“Sole” è il nome <strong>del</strong>l’irresistibile napoletana che fa perdere la testa (e<br />

la ragione) a un povero spasimante legandolo alla porta <strong>del</strong> suo<br />

tugurio per una notte intera. Un giovane marchese ha più fortuna, ma<br />

commette l’errore di tentare di educarla alla vita borghese.<br />

Ossessionato dal fascino di lei, un libertino incallito prova a sedurla<br />

proprio là dove il primo amante aveva fallito: la punizione che lo<br />

attende è ai limiti <strong>del</strong> sadismo. <strong>Le</strong>da Gys, stella <strong>del</strong> cinema muto<br />

italiano post-bellico, imita Mae Marsh saltellando davanti alla macchina<br />

da presa nel ruolo di un’innocente selvaggia. – PAOLO CHERCHI USAI<br />

“Sole” is the name of a freewheeling Neapolitan girl who drives her suitor<br />

insane (literally!) after tying him to a door all night long outside her cabin.<br />

A young marquis has better luck, but tries to give the wild nymph an<br />

education and a bourgeois respectability, to no avail. Obsessed with her, a<br />

local libertine makes another attempt to seduce her by the same door<br />

where the first lover failed; this time, the punishment awaiting him is<br />

definitely on the sadistic side. <strong>Le</strong>da Gys, a post-WWI starlet of Italian<br />

cinema, imitates Mae Marsh’s jumping up and down in her instinctive<br />

performance of a savage ingénue.– PAOLO CHERCHI USAI

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