Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents


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mortale a cavallo sotto la cupola <strong>del</strong> circo], 1912) diede alla Nordisk<br />

uno dei suoi maggiori successi internazionali. Il regista e la star<br />

ottennero un altro grande trionfo introducendo la commedia<br />

sofisticata nel cinema danese con Den staerkeste ([Il più forte], 1912),<br />

basato a grandi linee su La bisbetica domata. Con gli anni ’20, le sorti<br />

artistiche di Schnedler-Sørensen parvero declinare, insieme con quelle<br />

<strong>del</strong> cinema danese. Egli continuò comunque a dirigere fino al 1927,<br />

senza però mai raggiungere il successo di prima. – DAVID ROBINSON<br />

“Two young officers (one rich and privileged, the other a poor but brilliant<br />

inventor) vie for the hand of a government minister’s daughter. Their rivalry<br />

escalates, culminating in a breathtaking finale in which the demonstration<br />

of the inventor’s new anti-aircraft weapon narrowly escapes disaster at the<br />

hands of his thwarted rival” (The LUMIERE PROJECT, 1996, p. 103).<br />

This is a restoration of a hitherto virtually unknown film. In 1912-13 its<br />

director Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen (1886-1947) was at the peak of his<br />

career as an outstanding figure in Danish production, with a prolific output<br />

of a dozen or more films a year. He had begun his film career in 1908 as<br />

cameraman to the pioneer filmmaker Peter Elfelt, and the following year<br />

joined the newly formed Fotorama Company. He was quickly promoted to<br />

director, and his first assignment, Den Lille Hornblæser (The Little Bugler;<br />

1909), in which he also acted, enjoyed considerable popularity. In 1911 he<br />

joined Nordisk, and the triumph of one of his first films there, Bedgraget i<br />

døden / Dr. Gar-el-Hama I (English-language title: A Dead Man’s Child),<br />

won him the privilege of directing the company’s major star, Valdemar<br />

Psilander.Their film Dødsspring til Hest fra Cirkuskuplen (US: The Great<br />

Circus Catastrophe; 1912) gave Nordisk one of its biggest international<br />

successes. Director and star enjoyed another major hit when they<br />

introduced sophisticated comedy into Danish cinema with Den staerkeste<br />

(US: Conquered; or,The Madcap Countess; 1912), loosely based on The<br />

Taming of the Shrew. With the 1920s, Schnedler-Sørensen’s artistic<br />

fortunes seemed to decline along with those of the Danish cinema as a<br />

whole, though he continued to direct, without recapturing his earlier<br />

distinction, until 1927. – DAVID ROBINSON<br />

LAVINEN [La valanga / The Avalanche] (The Rocks of Life /<br />

Shadow Plays) (Nordisk Films Kompagni, DK 1920)<br />

Regia/dir: Emanuel Gregers; scen: Carl Gandrup, Emanuel Gregers;<br />

f./ph: Hans Vaagø; cast: Jon Iversen (Poul Lindorph), Bodil Ipsen (Maria<br />

Lindorph), Arne Weel (loro figlio/their son), Johannes Meyer (Asp);<br />

première: 20.4.1920; 35mm, 1807 m., 88’ (18 fps), Danish Film Institute.<br />

Copia <strong>del</strong>/Print from 1957.<br />

Didascalie in danese / Danish intertitles.<br />

Maria Lindorph, moglie <strong>del</strong> pubblico ministero appena entrato in<br />

carica, è preoccupata per il ritorno nella capitale dopo molti anni<br />

trascorsi in provincia: teme infatti di incontrarvi Asp, il direttore di un<br />

quotidiano, che si muove nei circoli <strong>del</strong>l’alta società. La paura che possa<br />

distruggere la sua felicità la porta a rievocare il suo passato: dopo la<br />

59<br />

morte <strong>del</strong>la madre, ha vissuto con il severo padre e la sua cru<strong>del</strong>e<br />

governante. I suoi incontri segreti con il giovane studente Poul<br />

Lindorph vengono scoperti, e lei viene buttata fuori di casa. Poul, anche<br />

lui orfano, perde la rendita per via <strong>del</strong>la loro “storia”. In breve si<br />

ritrovano a fare la fame, e il padre di lei si rifiuta di aiutarli. Disperata,<br />

Maria diventa segretamente l’amante <strong>del</strong> sinistro Asp, per poi lasciarlo<br />

quando Poul completa i suoi studi. Molti anni dopo, le sue paure si<br />

concretizzano: ad un ballo incontra di nuovo Asp, immediatamente<br />

colto da un intenso desiderio di farla ancora sua, che minaccia di<br />

svelare il suo vergognoso passato al marito. Poco dopo Asp viene<br />

trovato morto; <strong>del</strong>l’assassinio è sospettata la sua giovane amante. Al<br />

processo, Lindorph, come pubblico ministero, fa condannare la ragazza.<br />

Solo a questo punto, Maria confessa di essere stata lei ad assassinare<br />

Asp. Poul, venuto a sapere <strong>del</strong> suo sacrificio, la perdona.<br />

Bodil Ipsen, la star di Lavinen, generalmente considerata la più grande<br />

attrice teatrale danese <strong>del</strong>la sua generazione, durante gli anni ’40<br />

divenne anche una regista cinematografica di grande successo. Questo<br />

è il migliore dei quattro film muti da lei girati e la sua interpretazione<br />

è interessante da seguire, anche se la sua corporatura non le giova in<br />

questo melodramma piuttosto convenzionale. Il film ha (come<br />

Præsidenten di Dreyer, uscito due mesi prima) una struttura a flashback<br />

assai elaborata. La regia è <strong>del</strong>l’affidabile ma prosaico Emanuel Gregers,<br />

la cui carriera alla Nordisk durò fino al 1945. – CASPER TYBJERG<br />

Maria Lindorph, wife of the newly appointed state prosecutor, is worried<br />

about having to return to the capital after many years in the provinces. She<br />

is afraid to meet Asp, a newspaper editor who moves in high-society circles.<br />

Her fears that he may destroy her happiness cause her to recall her past:<br />

after her mother’s death, she lived with her strict father and his cruel<br />

housekeeper. Her secret meetings with Poul Lindorph, a young student, are<br />

discovered, and she is thrown out of her home. Poul, himself an orphan,<br />

loses his allowance because of their “affair”. Soon they are starving, and<br />

her father refuses to help. In desperation, Maria secretly becomes the<br />

mistress of the sinister Asp, but when Poul completes his studies, she breaks<br />

off with him. Many years later, her fears are realized: at a ball, she meets<br />

Asp again, and he is immediately seized with an intense desire to possess<br />

her again. He threatens to expose her shameful past to her husband. Soon<br />

after, Asp is found dead, and his young mistress is suspected of murder. At<br />

her trial, Lindorph is the prosecutor, and he gets the girl convicted of<br />

murder. Only then does Maria confess that she was the one who murdered<br />

Asp.When Poul learns the truth of her sacrifice, he forgives her.<br />

Bodil Ipsen, the star of Lavinen, was commonly considered the greatest<br />

Danish stage actress of her generation, and during the 1940s she also<br />

became a very successful film director.This picture is the best of the four<br />

silent films she made, and her performance is interesting to watch, even<br />

if her big, sturdily-built frame works against her in this fairly conventional<br />

melodrama. It has (like Dreyer’s Præsidenten, released two months<br />

earlier) an extremely elaborate flashback structure. It is directed by the<br />

dependable but uninspired Emanuel Gregers, whose career at Nordisk<br />

lasted until 1945. – CASPER TYBJERG<br />


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