formarea competenţei ecologice la studenţi în procesul predării ...

formarea competenţei ecologice la studenţi în procesul predării ...

formarea competenţei ecologice la studenţi în procesul predării ...


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ANNOTATIONCalmuţchi Lidia The Formation of Ecological Competence to Chemist Students in theTeaching-Learning Process, thesis for doctor title in pedagogy, Chisinau 2012.The structure of the thesis. The thesis involves introduction, 3 chapters, generalconclusions and recommendations, bibliography (218 sources) and 8 annexes. The thesis contains198 pages, 149 of basic text, 18 figures, 34 tables, 7 diagrams.Publications on the topic of the thesis. The research results are reflected in 9 scientificdidactic-methodological works.Key-words: competence, ecological knowledge, ecological capacities, ecologicalcompetence, ecological attitudes and behavior, integrative projects, integralization,interdisciplinarity, levels of ecological competence.The purpose of the work: results in the establishment of psychopedagogical guidelines ande<strong>la</strong>boration of the Pedagogical Model of ecological competence formation to pre-service teachers.The research objectives. The determination of the level of approach of the researchproblem in the theory and practice of Chemistry learning and identification of the concept ofecological competence formation as well as e<strong>la</strong>boration and validation of the Pedagogical Modelbased on the formation of ecological competence.Scientific novelty and originality. The research novelty comes from the establishment ofpsychopedagogical and psychosocial guidelines of the formation of ecological competence ande<strong>la</strong>boration of the Pedagogical Model of ecological competence formation with the help ofintegrative research projects.Theoretical significance of the work consists on the e<strong>la</strong>boration of the Pedagogical Modelof the ecological competence formation and with the help of integrative research projects.Applied value of the work results in the optimization of ecological competence during itsformation to students in the process of teaching-learning Chemistry and with the help of integrativeresearch projects.The implementation of scientific results was performed through pedagogical experiment inwhich were implicated 102 students from Biology and Chemistry Faculty of Tiraspol StateUniversity, Chemistry, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Chemistry and Physics departments.7

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