Regionalt vårdprogram: trycksår, prevention och behandling.

Regionalt vårdprogram: trycksår, prevention och behandling.

Regionalt vårdprogram: trycksår, prevention och behandling.

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<strong>Regionalt</strong> vårdprogram – Trycksår, <strong>prevention</strong> <strong>och</strong> <strong>behandling</strong>161. Gebhardt KS, Bliss MR, Winwright PL, Thomas J. Pressure-relieving supports in anICU. J Wound Care 1996 Mar;5(3):116-21.162. Defloor T, Vanderwee, K., Wilborn, D., Dassae, T. Pressure ulcer <strong>prevention</strong> andrepositioning. In: Romanelli M, editor. Science and practice of pressure ulcer management.London: Springer; 2006. p. 67-73.163. Bostrom J, Kenneth H. Staff nurse knowledge and perceptions about <strong>prevention</strong> ofpressure sores. Dermatol Nurs 1992 Oct;4(5):365-8, 78.164. Wilkes LM, Bostock E, Lovitt L, Dennis G. Nurses' knowledge of pressure ulcermanagement in elderly people. Br J Nurs 1996 Jul 25-Aug 7;5(14):858, 60-5.165. Nonnemacher M, Stausberg J, Bartoszek G, Lottko B, Neuhaeuser M,Maier I. Predictingpressure ulcer risk: a multifactorial approach to assess risk factors in a largeuniversity hospital population. J Clin Nurs 2009 Jan;18(1):99-107.166. Landi F, Russo A, Danese P, Liperoti R, Barillaro C, Bernabei R, OnderG. Anemiastatus, hemoglobin concentration, and mortality in nursing home older residents. JAm Med Dir Assoc 2007 Jun;8(5):322-7.167. Fletcher J. The principles of pressure sore <strong>prevention</strong>. Nurs Stand 1996Jun19;10(39):47-8, 50-3; quiz 4-5.168. Hampton S. Should we use the 30 degrees tilt? J Wound Care 2001 Sep;10(8):344.169. Cullum N, McInnes E, Bell-Syer SE, Legood R. Support surfaces for pressure ulcer<strong>prevention</strong>. C<strong>och</strong>rane Database Syst Rev 2004(3):CD001735.170. Handbok för hälso- <strong>och</strong> sjukvård. Sängen/vårdbädden. Available from:www.1177.se.171. Fleurence RL. Cost-effectiveness of pressure-relieving devices for the <strong>prevention</strong>and treatment of pressure ulcers. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2005 Summer;21(3):334-41.172. Maylor M, E. Manual repositioning turning patient and reduce risk. In: Clark M,editor. Pressure ulcers: recent advances in tissue viability. Trowbridge: MA HealthCare Limited; 2004. p. 59-67.173. Defloor T, De Bacquer D, Grypdonck MH. The effect of various combinations ofturning and pressure reducing devices on the incidence of pressure ulcers. Int J NursStud 2005 Jan;42(1):37-46.174. Reddy M, Gill SS, Kalkar SR, Wu W, Anderson PJ, R<strong>och</strong>on PA. Treatment of pressureulcers: a systematic review. JAMA 2008 Dec 10;300(22):2647-62.175. Young T CM. Re-positioning for pressure ulcer <strong>prevention</strong> (Protocol). The C<strong>och</strong>raneCalloboration, The C<strong>och</strong>rane Library 2003(4).176. Arbetsmiljöverket. AFS 1998:01 - Belastningsergonomi. In: Arbetsmiljöverket,1998.177. Mathiassen SE, Olofsson A. Ergonomi för ett gott arbete. 1. uppl. ed. Stockholm:Prevent; 2007.178. Bjurvald M, Nilsson B, Prevent. Ergonomi på rätt sätt : så här gör du. 1.uppl. ed.Stockholm: Prevent; 2007.179. Rimsler S, Svenska kommunförbundet. Säkerhet <strong>och</strong> trygghet: vägen till bättre kvalitet.2. utg. ed. Stockholm: Svenska kommunförbundet 1998.180. Handbok för hälso- <strong>och</strong> sjukvård. Arbetsteknik – förflyttningskunskapAvailablefrom: www.1177.se.181. Lim R, Sirett R, Conine TA, Daechsel D. Clinical trial of foam cushionsin the <strong>prevention</strong>of decubitis ulcers in elderly patients. J Rehabil Res Dev 1988Spring;25(2):19-26.Stockholms läns landsting- 138 -

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