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7.1.5. Appointment of Süleyman to Kefe and Selim’s Revolt against his Father<br />

After a long debate among Prince Selim, the Porte, and Prince Ahmed, 1454 Prince<br />

Süleyman was appointed to the province of Kefe on August 6, 1509. 1455 In order to<br />

assess the importance of Süleyman’s appointment to Kefe in the future developments, it<br />

is necessary to take a look at the rivalry between princes for the throne. During the last<br />

years of Bayezid II, when internal struggle between princes augmented, Ahmed was the<br />

governor of Amasya, the nearest province to Istanbul while Korkud was the governor of<br />

Antalya and Selim that of Trabzon, the farthest of all.<br />

According to the Turco-Mongolian tradition, the sovereignty was exclusively<br />

granted by God; thus, no arrangement for succession to the throne was established in the<br />

Ottoman Empire. The ruler among princes would emerge only through struggle, which<br />

1454 A letter of Selim reveals that at first Giresun, Körtun, and Şiryan were to be given to Süleyman. But<br />

Selim vehemently opposed this appointment, for the climate of mentioned cities was bad and their income<br />

was low. (This letter presents one of the earliest criticisms of Selim towards the Porte. He says, in his<br />

letter, that such an allocation to a prince is, indeed, oppressing (zulm). If the Sultan took this decision, then<br />

it shows that ekān-ı devlet did not truly inform him about these cities. Thus they obviously did not perform<br />

their job properly. If it was the result of erkān-ı devlet’s decision, then they clearly engaged in oppression.<br />

See TSA, document E. 5970. The facsimile copy of the entire document is published in TNSB, p. 260.)<br />

Selim’s severe resistance changed the decision of the Porte. Instead of these cities, Sebinkarahisar, which<br />

had been within the province of Ahmed at that time, was allocated to Süleyman. Prince Ahmed, however,<br />

opposed this appointment since Sebinkarahisar was too close to his province. Ahmed wrote to the Porte,<br />

“…Zira ki Karahisar’ın ana verilmesi caiz görüldüğünde şöyle fehmolunur ki varduğundan iğmaz-ı ayn<br />

ettikleri muradları Karahisar eyaleti bu suretle ana verilmek imiş. Bu hod mümteniatdandır. Vallahil azim<br />

billahil kadim mademki kayd-ı hayatdayım eyalet-i mezkure değil andan bir taş verilmek mümkün değildir.<br />

Bundan evvel hod merraren bu ma’na arz olunmuşdur…” (See TSA, document E 2667. Also consider<br />

HSE4, p. 7.) Then Süleyman was appointed to Bolu. Ahmed again opposed and forced the central<br />

government to change Süleyman’s province. His objective was that, since Bolu is between Amasya and<br />

Istanbul, in case of an emergency Süleyman could prevent him from reaching the capital city. (See HSE4,<br />

pp. 7-8.) The appointment processes of Süleyman congealed the enmity between Selim and Ahmed. ‘Ali<br />

states that once Selim even decided to march on Ahmed. He says, “...Fursat buldukça birbirlerinin<br />

ādemlerine dest urub öldürdiler. Babaları hayatında bu gūne nā-sezā evzā’a başladılar. Hattā bir defa<br />

Selim Hān ādemlerini fermān-berān eyledi. Leşker çeküb Sultan Ahmed üstüne varmağı mukarrer idi.<br />

Bi’l-āhere ikisine dahī emirler gönderilüb, nasihat olındı.” ALI, p. 933.<br />

1455 ULCY1, p. 77;Đnalcık, “Selim I”. Indeed, Selim had already demanded Karahisar or Kefe in his former<br />

letter: “Mezbur Süleyman Şāh’a dahi civarımızda olub aklen ve insāfen bize münāsib olan Karahisar<br />

sancağı himmet olunub ol olmaz ise Kefe sancağı ināyet olunmak mümkün ise...” TSA, document E. 5970,<br />

published in TNSB, p. 260. By this appointment Ahmed possibly thought he won the first round against<br />

Selim. But the advance of events would show in a couple of years that this so-called victory of Ahmed<br />

opened the way for Selim to the throne.<br />


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