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that his valuable activities were not mediated to his father as they were, but presented as<br />

insubordination. 1473 One year later after Korkud’s open violation of the subordination,<br />

Selim moved from Trabzon, once more disregarding insistent orders of the Porte.<br />

Ottoman court historians usually tend to conceal Selim’s real intentions. They depict as<br />

if Selim moved from Trabzon in order to kiss his father’s hands. 1474 Some more realist<br />

historians mention his demands for another province in Rumelia, but presenting as if the<br />

reason was the low income of Trabzon. 1475 A close examination of his movement from<br />

Trabzon to his ascendance to the throne, however, leaves no doubt that Selim’s only<br />

goal since the very beginning of his movement was to capture the throne. But, of course,<br />

he always declared different reasons or pretexts. His strategy was cunningly planned and<br />

gradual. 1476<br />

1473<br />

Ottoman court historians congruently argue that the statesmen in Istanbul created an obstacle between<br />

Selim and this father. They constantly depicted Selim’s victories against heretics and Christians as<br />

insubordination to the Sultan’s authority for they favored Ahmed for the throne. Thus Selim lost his hope<br />

to express his true intentions and sentiments through mediation of these statesmen and decided to visit his<br />

father personally. TNSB, p. 270. Müneccimbaşı writes, for example: “Vüzerā ve vükelānın ve devlet ileri<br />

gelenlerinin çoğu güzel huylu ve mülāyim mizaçlı olduğundan Sultan Ahmed’in tarafını tutuyorlar, kötü<br />

huylu, öfkeli ve sert bir mizāca sahip olan Sultan Selim’den çekiniyorlardı. Bir fırsat ve münāsebet<br />

düştükçe huūr-ı hümāyunda Sultan Ahmed’in iyi taraflarını, Sultan Selim’in de kötü taraflarını söyleyib,<br />

Bayezid Han’ın Sultan Ahmed’e karşı muhabbetini artırıp Sultan Selim’den soğutmaya çalışıyorlardı.<br />

Hatta, Sultan Selim’in Sultan’a itāat üzere olmayıp dāvā-yı istiklāl ettiğini iddia ediyorlardı. Đddialarını<br />

isbat için de, Sultan Selim’in devlet-i aliyye ile sulh hālinde bulunan kızılbaşlarla savaşmasını ve izinsiz<br />

olarak Gürcülerin memleketlerini yağmalamasını delil olarak gösteriyorlardı. Sultan Selim’in ağzından<br />

vüzerāyı tehdid eden bir de mektup uydurmuşlardı.” See MNB, p. 422.<br />

1474<br />

HSE4, p. 13. HSE says Selim sent to his father three successive letters demanding permission to visit<br />

him. But his demands were rejected.<br />

1475<br />

This was, indeed, one of the first pretexts of Selim for departing from Trabzon. When decided to cross<br />

Rumelia, he first attempted to prepare ground to leave Trabzon. For this purpose he wrote letters to his<br />

father explaining his discontent with the province of Trabzon. (For one of these letters see ULCY1, pp.<br />

75-76.) According to KPZ, Selim decided to visit his son in Kefe in order to relax himself. He wrote a<br />

letter to Bayezid for permission. His request however was denied. Upon his second demand was also<br />

denied Selim moved from Trabzon without permission. (See KPZ8b, p. 40.) Another contemporary source<br />

narrates otherwise: he wished to visit his father and sent letters to the Porte. His three successive demands<br />

were all rejected. (ANMB, p. 162.) Instead, the Porte ordered him to stay in his province and protect it.<br />

This answer, however, did not satisfy Selim and he decided to depart from Trabzon in 1510. See ULCY1,<br />

p. 78; ANMB, p. 162.<br />

1476<br />

The real incentive of Selim to rebel his father is best indicated in Şükrī’s Selim-nāme. It is written in<br />

this versified history that one day Selim summoned his entourage and discussed the deteriorated situation<br />

of the empire. He reminded his men of the defeat of the Ottoman army against Mamluks, inability of the<br />


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