Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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The Fifth Chapter for Recitation - 190<br />

‘Sabbeheva piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinābhāvo aññathābhāvo’?<br />

‘There is alteration in, separation from, and changeability in all that is dear and<br />

appealing.’<br />

Taṁ kutettha labbhā Ānanda yaṁ taṁ,<br />

How can it be otherwise, Ānanda, for that which is obtained,<br />

jātaṁ bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ palokadhammaṁ?<br />

born, become, conditioned, subject to dissolution?<br />

‘Taṁ vata Tathāgatassā pi sarīraṁ mā palujjī’ ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.<br />

It is not possible (to say) this: ‘The Realised One’s body should not dissolve’.<br />

Dīgharattaṁ kho te Ānanda Tathāgato paccupaṭṭhito<br />

For a long time, Ānanda, you dwelt near to the Realised One<br />

mettena kāyakammena hitena sukhena advayena appamāṇena,<br />

with beneficial, pleasant, trustworthy, 222 and limitlessly friendly bodily actions,<br />

mettena vacīkammena hitena sukhena advayena appamāṇena,<br />

with beneficial, pleasant, trustworthy, and limitlessly friendly speech actions,<br />

mettena manokammena hitena sukhena advayena appamāṇena,<br />

with beneficial, pleasant, trustworthy, and limitlessly friendly mental actions,<br />

katapuññosi tvaṁ Ānanda padhānam-anuyuñja khippaṁ hohisi anāsavo!” ti<br />

you have done meritorious deeds, Ānanda, you should devote yourself to quickly<br />

striving to be one who is pollutant-free!”<br />

* * *<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:<br />

Then the Gracious One addressed the monks, (saying):<br />

“Ye pi te bhikkhave ahesuṁ atītam-addhānaṁ Arahanto Sammāsambuddhā<br />

“Whoever were Worthy Ones, Perfect Sambuddhas in the past, monks,<br />

tesam-pi Bhagavantānaṁ etaparamā yeva upaṭṭhākā ahesuṁ<br />

for those Gracious Ones also there were such superior attendants,<br />

seyyathā pi mayhaṁ Ānando;<br />

just as Ānanda is for me;<br />

222 One of the meanings of dvaya is duplicitous; therefore a-dvaya means trustworthy.

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