Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahaparinibbanasuttam (DN 16) - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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The Fifth Chapter for Recitation - 208<br />

Vassāni paññāsasamādhikāni,<br />

More than fifty years ago, 242<br />

Yato ahaṁ pabbajito Subhadda.<br />

Wherefore I am (truly) gone forth, Subhadda.<br />

Ñāyassa Dhammassa padesavatti<br />

Existing in the realm of the right Teaching 243<br />

Ito bahiddhā samaṇo pi natthi,<br />

Outside of this there is no (true) ascetic, 244<br />

dutiyo pi samaṇo natthi,<br />

a second (true) ascetic is not found,<br />

tatiyo pi samaṇo natthi,<br />

a third (true) ascetic is not found,<br />

catuttho pi samaṇo natthi.<br />

a fourth (true) ascetic is not found.<br />

Suññā parappavādā samaṇebhi aññehi ime ca Subhadda,<br />

Void are the outside doctrines of these other ascetics, Subhadda,<br />

bhikkhū sammā vihareyyuṁ asuñño loko Arahantehi assā.” ti<br />

(but) if monks should live well, the world will not be void of Worthy Ones.”<br />

Evaṁ vutte Subhaddo paribbājako Bhagavantaṁ etad-avoca:<br />

After this was said, the wanderer Subhadda said this to the Gracious One:<br />

“Abhikkantaṁ Bhante! Abhikkantaṁ Bhante!<br />

“Excellent, reverend Sir! Excellent, reverend Sir!<br />

Seyyathā pi Bhante nikkujjitaṁ vā ukkujjeyya,<br />

Just as, reverend Sir, one might set upright what has been overturned,<br />

paṭicchannaṁ vā vivareyya, mūḷhassa vā maggaṁ ācikkheyya,<br />

or open up what has been closed, or show a path to one who is lost,<br />

242 This is counting from the time of his going forth from the household life, after which he<br />

spent 6 years as an ascetic before Awakening, and forty-five years thereafter teaching.<br />

243 Comm: padesavattī ti padese vipassanāmagge pavattanto; existing in the realm means<br />

continuing along the path of insight.<br />

244 Comm: padesavattivipassako pi natthi, paṭhamasamaṇo sotāpanno pi natthī ti vuttaṁ hoti; no<br />

one practising in the realm of insight, also no first ascetic who is a stream-enterer, this is what is<br />


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