Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade 75

MEM (Mem) meaning-Water, value-40 (Mem Final-600). Mem is the

archetype of the maternal creative principle. Woman or femininity: all that which is

fruitful and creative. An image of passive active. Mem Final is the cosmic state of fertility

in humanity, both in mind and body.

NUN (noon) meaning-Fish, value-50 (Nun Final-700). Nun is the archetype

of all individual and corporeal existences. The offspring of woman: a child,

any fruit whatsoever, every produced or reflected being. Nun Final is the symbol

of interplay of cosmic energies.

SAMEKH (Sah-mehk) meaning-prop or support, value-60. Samekh is

the archetype of female fertility, the ovum. An image of all circumscription. It is a

glyph of circular movement.

AYIN (Ah-yeen) meaning-eye, value-70. Ayin is the illuminating principle

behind the act of impregnation. It is a glyph of material meaning and physical


PEH (Pay) meaning-mouth, value-80 (Peh Final-800). The mouth of a

person as an organ of speech. Anything relating to speech.

TZADDI (Tzah-dee) meaning-fish hook, value-90 (Tzaddi Final-900).

Tzaddi is a symbol of womanhood ina social sense. Indicates movement toward an

end or solution. Tzaddi Final is the archetype of womanhood in a mythical sense.

QOPH (Kohf) meaning-back of the head, value-IOO. Qoph is an exalted

state of Aleph, transcending the negative or death aspect. A positive arm: all that

which serves, defends or makes an effort for humanity. An image of restraint,

compression and force.

RESH (Raysh) meaning-head, value-200. Resh is the archetype of universal

or cosmic"containers." The head of a person. All that which possesses in

itself a proper and determining movement. It is a glyph of all proper movement,

good or bad: an image of the renewal of things and their movement.

SHIN (Sheen) meaning-tooth, value-300. Shin is the "spirit" of God. A

glyph of relative duration and of movement connected therewith.

TAU (Tau) meaning-eross, value-400. Tau is the archetype of all cosmic

existence. A symbol of symbols. An image of that which is mutual and reciprocal.


Israel Regardie wasadamant aboutthe idea that Neophytes should be able to

draw the Hebrew letters to the bestof their ability. To this end he provided our temples

with Hebrew practice sheets for students. Regardie suggested that the student

use a calligraphypen to draw the letters. For the sake of ease and simplicity, we suggest

that the Neophyte use a writing instrument called a lettering pen or calligraphy

marker. This type of marker has a felt tip which is wide along one edge. The marker

can be held with the wide edge of the tip perpendicular to the lines on the practice

sheets. Theupward/downward and left-to-right movement of the marker across the

page will result in the thin vertical lines and the thick horizontal lines.

Always remember that the Hebrew letters are holy symbols and as such

they should be carefully and faithfully rendered. The letters are all the same

height except for Lamed (which is taller than the other letters) and all of the Finals

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