Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Ritual preparations: It is suggested that the aspirant fast for a period of 12 hours

prior to the ritual. A ritual bath is required, after which the aspirant may put on

the black Tau robe and red sandals or slippers. Ablack cord is to be wrapped three

times around the waist. The aspirant must then spend a period of time (10 to 20

minutes) in a darkened room or antechamber to the temple seated in quiet mediation

while wearing a hoodwink or blindfold. During this period of time, darkness

and silence are to be maintained. The aspirant should imagine him/her self

under the watch of Anubis of the West.After this period of silence, the hoodwink

may be folded under the black cord tied around the waist. The aspirant may then

enter the temple and begin the ritual. As you enter the temple, imagine that you

are leaving your physical body outside as a sentinel to guard the temple-your

spiritual self is free to receive initiation.

PART 1: The Opening

Enter the temple and walk clockwise to the East. With the sword, perform the

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

Give one knock with the pommel of the sword against the floor or altar and say

"HEKAS,HEKAS, ESTEBEBELOI!" (Hey-kass, Hey-kass, es-tay Bee-beh-loi).

Put the sword aside and go to the West of the temple, facing East. Kneel down and

invoke the godform of Thme (pronounced Tah-may) as follows. Vibrate strongly:

THM£! THM£! THM£! Lady of the Feather by which allsouls are measured!

Thou daughter and eye of RA! Lady of Heaven, Queen of Earth

andmistress oftheUnderworld! Great Lady ofallthegods andgoddesses.

Thou whose name is MAAT! Lady of Truth! Goddess of Justice and

Order! Mediator between Darkness andLight, Chaos andOrder! THM£!

THM£! THM£! Great Lady whose Name rules this templ~the Hall of

the DualManifestation ofMAAT, goddess of Truth! Thou whoassesseth

theheart ofevery manandwoman in theHall ofJudgment before Ousiri

and theassembly of thegods. Thou whoart theeyeandheart of balance!

THM£! THM£! THME!I invoke thee!


Visualize the image of the goddess Thme before you, with

human head and yellow-gold skin. She wears a black and

white nemyss and a white linen gown. She carries the mitreheaded

scepter of the Hegemon. Above her head is the glowing

white outline of the cross and triangle, the symbol of the

Outer Order of the G:.D:..

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