Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 159

preserve. Khamael can be likened to a doctor who makes the necessary decision to

cut off an infected limb in order to save the patient. Additional titles include

Khamael Gevurael and Khamael Seraphiel (as the leader of the Seraphim). His symbols

include a sword, a spear, a scourge and a shield.

RAPHAEL <,HI'): The Archangel of Tiphareth.w His name means "Healer of

God," or "God has healed." Raphael Tipharethel is the Archangel specially

appointed to heal the wounds (both physical and spiritual) of humankind. The

root word of his name, raph, indicates medicine and healing as well as every kind

of mediation, recovery and redemption. He is the Archangel attributed to the

powers of the Divine Intellect as well as to the powers of love and self-esteem.

Raphael is a teacher of the Hermetic Arts, thus pointing to his association with

Tiphareth, the sphere whose deity name is "Lord God of Knowledge." An additional

title is Raphael Melakhiel (as leader of the Melakhim). His symbols include the

Caduceus of Hermes, an orb, a book or a seven-branched menorah.

HANIEL <,H~~H"): The Archangel of Netzach. Her name means "the glory or

grace of God" or "one who sees God." Haniel brings an awareness of harmony

and beauty into the lower worlds. She provides us with the opportunity to

become aware of the Divine through feeling, emotion and the arts. It is her duty

to give humanity a greater understanding of the interrelationships of all created

things in the universe. Additional titles include Haniel Netzachel and Haniel Elohel

(as leader of the Angels known as Elohim). (Her name has sometimes been

misspelled as Hamiel.) The root word of her name, ha, indicates every evident,

demonstrated and determined existence. Her symbols include a red rose, a mirror,

a torch, a dove, a unicorn or a chalice.

MICHAEL (or MIKHAEL) <,H'=~=): The Archangel of Hod. His name means "The

Perfect of God" or "He who is like unto God." Mikhael Hodael helps to reveal the

marvelous complexity of the universe. His duty is to engage the rational mind and

powers of analysis. An additional title is Mikhael Beniel (as the leader of the Beni

Elohim.) The root word of his name, mi, indicates water. His symbols include a

book, a caduceus, or a staff, a lyre and an abacus.

GABRIEL: <,H~''=~) The Archangel of Yesod. Her name means "The Strong One

of God" or "the Strength of God." She is the Archangel of the Annunciation and

the Resurrection. Gabriel is the divine messenger who relays informationbetween

the Divine and humanity. She gives us the powers of vision, hearing, and psychic

abilities, as well as the powers of life, procreation and equilibration. Additional

46 Some authors place Michael in Tiphareth and Raphael in Hod. Their reasoning for doing so is that

in the Planetary Hierarchy of Angels, Michael is associated with Sol. However Israel Regardie

stressed that Golden Dawn students should not confuse the Sephirotic, Planetary, and Elemental

Hierarchies. Tiphareth (and not Hod) is the sphere of healing, and thus in the Sephirotic hierarchy

Raphael is correctly associated with Tiphareth.

Also, different Angels, like different people, can have the same name. Therefore Raphael of

Tiphareth (Raphael Tipharethel) will have duties, colors, and symbols which are different from those

of either Raphael of Mercury (Raphael Kokabiel) or Raphael of Air (Raphael Ruachel).

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