Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Voice ofmy undyingandsecret Soul said untome-"Let meenter the

path ofDarkness and, peradventure, there shall I find the Light. I amtheonly

being inanabyss ofDarkness;from anabyss ofDarkness came I forth ere my

birth from thesilence ofa primal sleep."

And theVoice ofAgesanswered unto my Soul-"Iamhewhoformulates

in Darkness-the Lightthatshineth in Darkness, yet the Darkness com- '

prehendeth it not."

LettheMystical Circumambulation take place in the Path ofKnowledge that

leadeth untotheLight, withthelamp ofHidden Knowledge toguide me.

Visualize the Keryx and the Hegemon leading you sunwise around the temple. As

you pass the Hierophant for the first time, imagine a loud knock and mentally

intone the name of "BINAH." As you pass the Hiereus in the West, you also hear a

loud knock. The second time you pass the Hierophant in the East, imagine a loud

knock and mentally intone the name of "CHOKMAH." As you reach the South, the

Keryx stops you. Anubis speaks:

Unpurified and unconsecrated, thou canst not enter the Path of

the West!

Auramoouth steps forward and draws the sigil of the cup before you. With the

Water, mark your forehead with the symbols of the cross and Water triangle as

before. Say: "I am purified with Water."

Thaum-Esh-Neith steps forward and draws the sigil of the Swastika before you.

Wave the censer in front of your forehead in the figures of the cross and Fire triangle.

Say: "1amconsecrated with Fire."

Thme speaks:

Child of Earth, twice purified and twice consecrated, thou mayest

approach the gateway of the West.

Continue to the West where the fierce form of the Hiereus stands. The fiery-eyed

Horus with red sword and black banner bars your advance:

Thou canst not pass by me, sayeth the Guardian of the West,

unless thou canst tell me my name.

(Say:) Darkness is thy name, thou great oneof the Paths of the Shades.

Before allthingsare theChaos andtheDarkness andthegates of theland

of Night. Thou art he whose name is Darkness. Thou art the Exorcist in

themidstofthe Exorcism. I standbefore thee withouttrepidation, forfear

isfailure, andI am withoutfear.

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