Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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COHOBATION: Anumber of repeated distillations of a solvent over a substance

or substances which have been dissolved into it. The process loosens the

structure of certain substances, volatilizing the solids which are thus loosened

by the solvent.

CONGEALATION: Reducing the substance to liquid which then thickens. The

liquefied matter congeals or solidifies.

CONJUNCTION: Joining the principles. Amalgamating the various elements.

DESPONSATION: The separation of liquids in a vessel.

DIGESTION: A mixture for the purpose of drawing out the Essence from the

different substances.

DISSOLUTION: Dissolving the metals. Indicates letting time and nature do

the work. A slow separation of a metal into its components in a liquid.

DISTILLATION: Also called Circulation or Rectification because it entails a continuous

cycle (rising and falling). The process of boiling a liquid until it is

vaporized, and then recondensed by cooling. The rising vapor is considered

the Spirit of the substance. This process liberates the original metal

from its corrupted state, while giving it new properties. The energy inherentin

the rising vapors generates the multi-eolors of the Peacock's tail. The

substance is then heated more vigorously until it dries up into a grayishblack

mass. When the color white is seen, it signifies that the process of

coagulation is about to commence. (In mystical Alchemy, distillation

entails the liberation of the Soul from the grip of the Lower Ego. This transformation

implies that the ego has become purified and compliant to the

Higher Self.)

EXALTATION:To elevate the Power of Virtue in the hope that the substance

will transmute.

FERMENTATION: Adding the required precious metal as a yeast to the Philosopher's

Stone enabling it to transmute base metals into this particular precious

metal. Itis associated with putrefaction and decay, but also the work

of Transformation and regeneration-Death which leads to Life. (In mystical

Alchemy, fermentation implies the liberation of intuitive powers and the

creation of dreams.)

LIGATION: Separation in a sealed vessel.

MULTIPLICATION: Raising the quantity and quality of the powder or stone.

PROJECTION: The work of transmutation into gold and silver.

PUTREFACTION: The first change to be seen. The appearance of blackness.

ROTATION: Rhythmic cycling of the process of circulation. It entails the boiling

of a liquid for a set period of time in a reflux system. The liquid is allowed

to cool, reheated, and allowed to cool again, etc.

SEPARATION: Separating the light parts from the heavy parts. The slow separation

of a body into its components in a liquid.

SOLUTION: Dissolving a solid into a liquid.

SUBLIMATION: Extraction by volatilization or distillation. This process entails

forcing an extract upwards into the upper portion of a container where it

is allowed to precipitate. Also called Rectification.

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