Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheNeophyte Grade 57

the divine male and the divine female principles. Read in this context, the Qabalistic

origins of the first five books of the Old Testament (the Pentateuch) give an

entirely new meaning. The first sentence of Genesis, which in Hebrew begins as

"Berashith bara Elohim Aih-ha-Shamaim w'Ath ha-Aretz," can be interpreted as "In

the beginning, the gods (the united Male and Female aspects of the Divine) created

the Heavens and the Earth." This idea of the equality of the divine male and

divine female principles, although suppressed for centuries by male-dominated

societies, is carefully hidden in Qabalistic doctrine, although at times it has

slipped out unforeseen in almost all translations of the Pentateuch, such as in Genesis

1:26and 1:27:"And God went on to say let us make man in ourimage, according

to ourlikeness," "And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's

image he created him; male andfemale he created them."

Another example is the word Sephiroth, which is used to describe the ten

emanations of the Divine. Here we have a feminine noun Sephirah being joined to

a feminine plural "oth." This again points to the importance of the feminine in

Qabalah. The Sephiroth themselves are generally considered feminine because

they structure and give form to the emanations of deity. Thus anyone who seriously

studies the Qabalah for any length of time will see that it is a very balanced

system for spiritual growth.

The Qabalah is usually classified under four heads which overlap each

other in some instances. They are:

1. THE DOGMATIC QABALAH-the study of ancient Qabalistic

books such as the Written Torah also called the Pentateuch, the

Zohar, the Bahir, and the Sepher Yetzirah.

2. THE PRACTICAL QABALAH-deals with the construction

of talismans used in ceremonial magic.

3. THE LITERALQABALAH-deals with Gematria; the relationships

between numbers and the letters of the Hebrew

alphabet, which yield many hidden meanings of Hebrew

words and names.

4. THE UNWRITTEN QABALAH-refers to the correct knowledge

of the sacred symbol known as the Tree of Life (Etz-ha­

Chayim). This is the only branch of the Qabalah that the Neophyte

of this course will need to study for now.

We will not at this time describe the long history and evolution of the

Qabalah as espoused and elucidated by various teachers and sources down

through the ages. To do so would be to place an undue burden upon the Neophyte.

However, for ambitious students who like to take on burdens, we highly

recommend a book by Gershom Scholem called simply Kabbalah published by

Dorset Press (New York). This book gives an excellent and detailed account of the

various schools of Qabalistic thought.

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