Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Third Quarter commences with the Full Moon, when Sol and Luna

are opposite each other and the light of Sol can illuminate the full

sphere of Luna. During this phase the Moon is seen rising in the East

at dusk, then rising a bit later each evening.

The Fourth Quarter begins roughly midway between the Full Moon

and the New Moon, when Sol and Luna are again at a 90 degree angle

from each other. This waning (decreasing) Moon rises at Midnight,

and can be seen in the East during the later half of the night.

The meaning of the Lunar symbol on the Tree of Life is thus: In its increase,

it embraces the side of Mercy; in its decrease the side of Severity, and at the full, it

reflects the Sun of Tiphareth. The following is a list of Lunar associations:

Hebrew Name: Levanah

Sephiroth: Yesod

Archangel: Gabriel

Day: Monday

Planetary Intelligence: Malkah be Tarshism

ve-ad Ruachoth Schechalim / Shelachiel

Planetary Spirit: Schad Barschemoth ha-Shartathan / Chasmodai

Olympic Planetary Spirit: Phul

Metal: Silver

Gemstones: Moonstone, pearl, quartz, fluorspar, beryl

Incenses: Camphor, aloes, jasmine

Trees: Willow, bay, hazel, papaya, coconut palm, almond

Herbs/plants: Lotus, opium, mushroom, poppy, gourds, moonwort

Animals: Cat, hare, dog, owl

Lunar Deities

SIN: The Babylonian Moon god was the chief among the astral triad which

included Shamesh (the Sun) and Ishtar (the Planet Venus) who were his children.

Sin was known as "He whose deep heart no god can penetrate" because of his

mysterious transformations during the Moon's various phases. The full Moon was

his crown, and thus he was known as the "Lord of the Diadem" and "the Shining

Boat of Heaven." A very wise god, Sin was sometimes venerated under the name

of Nannarand pictured as an old man with a long beard the color of lapis lazuli

and wearing the full Moon as a crown. The bright crescent Moon was Sin's boat

which navigated the night sky.

KHONSU or (KHENSU): The Egyptian god of the Moon whose name means "the

Navigator" "the traveler" or "he who crosses the sky in a boat." Khonsu became

the messenger of the great gods under the form of the Moon. Khonsu was later

identified with Djehuti, another Moon god, and was called Khensu-Tehuti, the

Twice Great. As the new Moon, Khonsu was likened to a mighty bull and as the

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