Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheZelator Grade 171

Far from being a superstitious practice, the art of divination reveals itself

as a spiritual science that seeks to discover the divine meaning behind "chance"

events. Divination has existed as a tool for psychic well-being and spiritual health

long before modern psychology was born, although the later science has often

borrowed heavily from the former.

Ever since human beings first realized that there were Higher Powers

beyond the Physical world, we have tried to communicate with these Forces.

Prayers and invocations to the gods and goddesses developed out of the human

desire to talk to the Divine-to worship them and ask them for guidance and

intervention. Ritual trance and meditation developed out the human desire to let

the gods talk to us-to enrich our lives with a higher form of Wisdom. Divination

developed as a way to interact with the gods. It was a method by which humans

could interpret and understand the Will of the Divine.

Divination can open up the mind of the diviner to wonders of the spiritual

world and the invisible universe which is behind the visible universe. Also, the

different methods of divination are good exercises for developing the student's

powers of intuition and imagination.

The art of divination is a process of spiritual growth through which the

diviner attempts to uncover what specific forces are at work in a given area of the

astral realms. Itis the art of acquiring psychic information with the help of physical

accessories such as Tarot cards, skrying mirrors, crystals, pendulums or similar

psychic aids. Properly done, divination can determine which underlying energies

are at work in a specific region of the invisible universe. However, any information

obtained in this manner is to be used as a guide or a road map only-not

as an undeniable destiny carved into stone. Divination is an art that takes much

practice in order to become proficient, yet practice is exactly what is needed in

order to fine-tune the psychic powers of the diviner. The beginning student

should not worry about whether or not the answers given in the divination are

always correct. The important thing is that the student gradually increases his/her

astral powers of perception with each reading.

One very important principle in any form of divination is the Law ofCorrespondences.

This idea states that there is always a correspondence between the

many planes of Being. The Hermetic Axiom states this idea in the words: "As

Above, so Below. As Below, soAbove." This Law is called into use whenever we apply

symbols to mean certain things.

For example, in Tarot a cup is used to symbolize the Womb of the Divine

Mother. A cup and a womb are definitely not the same thing. One is metal, the

other is flesh and blood. Yetthey both have the same essential quality of containing

and nurturing life. In a sense, they have a similar cosmic reality.

Another example of the Law of Correspondences is when the metal gold is

used to indicate the Sun, or silver for the Moon. Itwould not be right to say thatgold

is the same as the Sun or that silver is the same as the Moon. But the two metals and

the two Planets are both symbols used to describe the same two divine realities.

The Law of Correspondences helps initiates apply various meanings to

visible symbols, enabling us to better comprehend the divine nature of things

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