Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Theoricus Grade 269

Then find the number in the Minutes column listed under the closest Daily

Motion, record it below on line B, and add the two together. Remember that you

are adding minutes and seconds (base 60.)

A 28/:03"

B + 1/:29"


Then subtract this figure from the position listed in the Ephemeris on

Noon of the GMT DAYifGMT is in the AM and add ifit is PM. (Reverse this rule

ifPlanet is retrograde.)




Sun in Capricorn 12°:20/:26". (Always compute down to the second for

the Sun.)

Follow these four steps for the Moon using Table II. Table II is used for the

correction of all Planet positions except the Sun.

Step 2

19 0 Leo 19/

-7 23

11 56

Step 3




Step 4




Moon's position

(It is not necessary to calculate beyond degrees and minutes on Planets other than

the Sun.) Use this formula to calculate the Planetary positions of Mercury, Venus

and Mars. The remaining Planets move very slowly and need no correction.o

Interpreting a Horoscope

Throughout the Knowledge Lectures, the student has been given the basic building

blocks of Astrology. Once these principles are understood, the final step is to

learn how to interpret or delineate all the information that comprises a horoscope.

Much of this interpretive knowledge comes through reasoning, common sense

and an understanding of human nature. It includes the ability to call to mind key

phrases and words which are associated with each Sign, Planet and house.

No matter what Sign a Planet may be located in/ the natural Sign of the

house involved also lends its influence to the interpretation. For example: Mercury

in Taurus in the fifth house. The key word for Mercury is reasoning powers.

Other words describing Mercury include communication and awareness. The keyword

for Taurus is stability. Other Taurean words include practical and sensual. The

fifth house is the house of creativity, love and pleasure. Leo, the natural Sign of the

fifth house is associated with the keywords magnetism, charitable and self-confident.

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