Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Neophyte Grade 53

their orbits around the Sun, they are regarded as symbols of eras. These Planets,

which are also referred to as the Transcendental Planets, do notenter into the ancient

sevenfold scheme of the Heptad of the Planets, which is a vital aspect of the Golden

Dawn system of magic. Because of this, the outer Planets will rarely be referred to

elsewhere in this book. They are mentioned here because it is important that

today's student have a thorough grounding in the basics of modernAstrology.


Rules: Aquarius (with sub-ruler, Saturn) Exaltation: Scorpio

Detriment: Leo Fall: Taurus

Represents: Freedom urge ("divine discontent")


Uranus was the god of the starlit sky, the progenitor of the gods. The Planet Uranus

rules science, electricity, lightning, the stroke of genius, suddenness, magic, the

occult, Astrology, x-rays, inventions, discoveries, originality, and psychology. It is

intellectual, progressive, futuristic, humanitarian, egotistical, rebellious, eccentric,

unorthodox, unconventional, and utopian. This Planet rules sudden change, individualism,

independence, autonomy, and natural disasters. It is considered to be the

upper octave of Mercury. Uranus's action is sudden, unforeseen, and usuallyviolent.


Rules: Pisces (with sub-ruler, Jupiter) Exaltation:-­

Detriment: Virgo Fall:--

Represents: spiritual or escapist urge


The Planet Neptune is named for the Roman god of the Sea. It rules liquids, all

marine activities, glamour, the stage, movies and television, the fantastic, dreams,

psychic powers, intuition, illusion, delusion, mystique, spirituality, ideals, things

we take for granted, fog, mystery, intangibles, immateriality, fragrances, trances,

drugs, addictions, hypnosis, and sleep-walking. Neptune is said to be the upper

octave of Venus. Its action is subtle and imperceptible, yet sometimes insidious.


Rules: Scorpio (with co-ruler, Mars) Exaltation:-­

Detriment: Taurus Fall:--

Represents: Fusion, destroying or reforming urge


The Planet Pluto was named after the god of the Underworld. It governs all things

that are secret or hidden from view, such as the subconscious mind. Pluto also

rules replication, conception, generation, regeneration, degeneration, birth and

death, beginnings and endings, bacteria, viruses, slow growth, turmoil, rejuvenation,

transfiguration, reorganization, phobias, obsessions, subversion, atomic

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