Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Geomancy and Tarot, and understand the fundamental techniques of ritual,

including vibration, visualization, skrying, and assumption of godforms.

Regardie's The Golden Dawn, although an excellent source book which contains

much of the Order's teachings, is often too complex and overpowering for

beginning students. All of the Golden Dawn's traditional Knowledge Lectures for

the First Order are given here; expanded upon in a format designed to increase the

student's comprehension of them. The Knowledge Lectures are not to be merely

dismissed offhand as dry intellectual information. Study work is the foundation

of the Hermetic science of magic. Just as a surgeon cannot be expected to perform

an operation without having committed to memory the rudiments of medical

knowledge, so too the magician cannot expect to perform an effective ceremony

without understanding the fundamentals of magic. In this book, we have also

incorporated much basic Astrological and Alchemical information in the Knowledge

Lectures that is unavailable in Regardie's The Golden Dawn. In actual Golden

Dawn temples, examinations are given to initiates before they can advance to the

next grade. Here we have provided quizzes on the Knowledge Lectures and other

materials, so that the student can test him/her self at a convenient pace. In addition,

extensive ritual and meditative work is provided for each grade.

In Chapter One the readerwill find a ritual detailing self-initiation into the

grade of Neophyte in addition to gradework and examinations suitable to the

0 0=0°. Chapters Two, Three, Four and Five cover the Elemental grades from Zelator

through Philosophus. Chapter Six focuses on ritual and study work for the

Portal grade, the apex of this course.

We suggest that the student who elects to assume the route of self-initiation

first read the material at the beginning of the chapter appropriate to the grade

about to be entered. Then the performance of the initiation ceremony can be

undertaken. This ritual may be performed more than one time, since proficiency

will increase with practice, and proficiency is, after all, what will determine the

effectiveness of the initiation. After that, the Knowledge Lectures must be put to

memory. Acertain amount of time must be spent in each grade in order to absorb

both the written knowledge as well as the initiation. This is especially important

for the solitary student, who, without the support of an official temple and the

help of peers, may have a tendency to rush through all of the work presented here

in a ridiculously short period of time. Any reader thus disposed must remember

that the process of spiritual growth is not a race, and it cannot be accomplished in

a matter of weeks or months, but rather in terms of years and lifetimes. Keep in

mind the old axiom of Solvitur Ambulando-solve your problems as you proceed.

One does not have to rush through in order to prove one's intelligence or spiritual

prowess. Because of this tendency to hurry through the grades, we recommend

that solitary students in particular spend sufficient time in the various grades in

order to fully assimilate the effects of each initiation. We suggest that the student

of this course spend approximately four months as a probationer prior to any

attempt at self-initiation into the Neophyte grade. The student should take this

time to prepare for initiation by practicing the meditations and exercises given at

the end of this introduction. Six months should be spentin the grade of Neophyte,

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