Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Theorieus Grade 307

of Tears, and the Gate of Prayer. It is the Gate of the Garden of Eden and the Gate

of the Daughter of the Mighty Ones. Bywhat Sign have you entered herein?"

You answer by giving the Zelator Sign. She asks why you have come to

this place. You hold up the Cubical Cross.

Youface the Archangel across the light of the altar, as you prepare for your

journey into the 32nd Path. Finally, Sandalphon turns toward the East where is a

great wooden door which had previously been obscured by the smoke from the

incense. The Tarot card of The Universe hangs like a veil in front of it. Sandalphon

traces a cross in the air with her hand and the veil parts. A large metal Tau is now

dearly seen on the heavy oak door. The Archangel moves aside after showing the

way. It is up to you to open the door. Undaunted, you approach it and give the

Sign of the Theoricus. Holding out the Cubical Cross, you trace with it a large letter

Tau. The door slowly opens.

Beyond the door, you enter a lush meadow ablaze with flowers. To the

North are snow-capped mountains and cool running streams. To the South is a

low-lying desert. Before you in the East, the dawning Sun is breaking over the low

rolling hills. This is the path you have chosen. Sandalphon leads the way.

Time and space seem distorted as they often do on astral journeys. You

pass by many fields, farms, and villages, covering vast distances in what seems

like a very short interval. The breeze is cool against your skin, and a hint of storax

is in the air.

The path you are on leads into the hill country which has less trees than

did the grassy meadow land before it. The day beneath your feet has given way to

sandy soil. The air is warmer and there is no breeze here. The trail leads straight

into a hillside where there is a cavern leading into the earth. On either side of the

jagged stone opening is a column cut from solid rock. The base of each pillar is

carved into the shape of a lotus flower, while the capital is sculpted into the form

of a pomegranate. Before each column stands a gigantic muscular figure with the

head of a beast. Their human bodies are covered by tunics, but the black fur and

pointed features of jackals stick out beneath their nemysses. The figure on the left

holds a large sword, while the figure on the right holds a staff entwined with serpents

in one hand, and a red lantern in the other.

Sandalphon tells you to continue onward. This is as far as she will take

you. As you approach the Anubian guards, they lunge forward with a growl,

crossing their implements to block your advance. "Whence comest Thou?" they

demand to know.

You respond by giving the Sign of the Zelator and saying, "1have entered

the Immeasurable Region. I have passed through the Gate of Life and the Gate of

Death. I seek to journey upon the Path of Tau which leadeth between the pillars

from the Kingdom to the Foundation."

"In what signs and symbols do ye come?" they ask.

Youanswer by standing in the Sign of the Theoricus. "In the divine name of

Shaddai El Chai; in the word Mem Heh and in this symbol of the Solid Greek Cubical

Cross, which contains the divine number, twenty-two."

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