Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 135


Element: Fire Quality: Cadent

Natural Sign: Sagittarius Natural Ruler: Jupiter


The ninth house characterizes philosophy and the higher consciousness. It depicts

ideals, ethics, religion, intuition, spirituality, visions, higher learning and mental

study. Italso portrays long-distance travel, grandchildren, in-laws and foreign affairs.


Element: Earth Quality: Angular

Natural Sign: Capricorn Natural Ruler: Saturn

Keyword: HONOR

The tenth house reveals status, reputation, fame, profession and community

standing. It portrays the ego, ambition, achievements, honors, promotion, influence,

authorities, social and business activities. Here we find the parent other than

the one indicated in the fourth house.


Element: Air Quality: Succedent

Natural Sign: Aquarius Natural Ruler: Uranus (and Saturn)


The eleventh house indicates friends, acquaintances, all nonemotional relationships.

It shows goals, desires, hopes and wishes, love received, humanitarian

interests, foster children, organizations which relate to career, and circumstances

beyond one's control.


Element: Water Quality: Cadent

Natural Sign: Pisces Natural Ruler: Neptune (and Jupiter)


The twelfth house depicts hidden strengths, dangers and weaknesses, as well as

limitations, sorrows, secrets, hidden enemies, self-undoing, places of confinement

and clandestine affairs. It is the house of the subconscious and of karmic debt. The

Twelfth house is known as the dust-bin of the horoscope because it is here that people

tend to hide their problems.

The Meridians

The meridians are lines drawn on a zodiacal chart which help to further interpret

the Horoscope. The horizontal axis of the chart is known as the horizon or equator,

and the vertical axis is known as the meridian. Each axis divides the chart in half.

The Horizon axis alludes to awareness. It separates the Horoscope into Day

and Nightsections, because it partitions the chart along the Dawn-Dusk (East-West)

axis from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. As a general rule, the Dayhalf (upper half) of the chart sym-

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