Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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n the previous chapter, we examined the Zelator grade which was

the first grade to confer the title of initiateupon the aspirant, firmly

placing him/her upon the initiatory Tree of Life. Once the candidate

has attained the 1 = 10 grade the groundwork for all ensuing Ele­

~Ii!U· mental transformation and equilibration within the aspirant's psyiii

che has been built. In the 2 = 9 grade the initiate takes the second Elemental

initiation into the ninth Sephirah, Yesod, on the Qabalistic Tree, and the

spiritual process of dissolution and integration continues.

There is one very important difference between the Zelator grade and the

Grades of Theoricus, Practicus and Philosophus. The former initiation established

the initial step onto the Sphere of Malkuth. The remaining grades (regardless of

their respective Sephirotic correspondences) are in reality only further steps in the

exploration of the four sub-elements ofMalkuth.

The Element offered for the process of transmutation in this grade is Air, or

rather the Airy portion of the aspirant's psyche (to be even more precise itis the Air

ofMalkuth in Assiah). As the grade of entry into the Sphere of Yesod,62 the Theoricus

grade also enjoys a special occult relationship with the Portal grade (as Yesod esoterically

contains the "fifth" element-after the four elements of Malkuth).

The Planet assigned to this grade is Luna, the orb of reflected (and therefore

sometimes illusionary) Light. The initiate approaching this grade had better

make certain that s/he has fully assimilated the energies and knowledge of the

Zelator grade. If not, the volatile astral winds of Yesod might well blow the aspirant

off course. Sometimes students will experience the effects of the volatile Air

grade as a general lack of focus or diminished ability to concentrate on one's studies.

(Some have remarked that they "feel like an air-head" in this grade.) Like the

previous grade, the 2 =9 is a filter which will screen out individuals who do not

have what it takes to be a true and worthy initiate of the Hermetic mysteries.

The title of Theoricus is derived from a Greek word which means

"beholder," "onlooker" or "student."

The ceremony of the Theoricus can be summed up as follows: After the

standard (self-initiatory) rite of opening, the forces of Elemental Air are invoked.

Then the candidate must prove that s/he has grasped the secrets of the Zelator

62 The Theoricus grade deals specifically with Yesod ofMal1cuth, justas the Zelator grade placed the

candidate in MalkuthofMalkuth (the Earth quarter of Malkuth.)


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