Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheNeophyte Grade 55

life on one hand and the life of humans on the other. The goal of the Qabalist is to

discover and invent keys to the understanding of arcane symbols which reflect the

eternal mysteries.

Israel Regardie stated that, "Qabalah is a trustworthy guide, leading to a

comprehension of the universe and one's own self." It is all this and more. This

"Tradition" was never restricted to instruction in the mystical path alone; it also

includes ideas on the origins of the universe, of Angelic hierarchies, and the practice

of magic. Qabalah is the foundation upon which the art of Western magic

rests. Magic has been defined by Aleister Crowley as "the science and art of causing

change to occur in conformity with Will." To this Dion Fortune added'

"changes in consciousness."

The Qabalah, which Dion Fortune called "the Yogaof the West" reveals the

nature of certain physical and psychological phenomena. Once these are rightly

understood, the studentcan use the principles of magic to exercise control over the

conditions and circumstances of his/her life. Magic provides the practical application

of the theories supplied by the Qabalah.

The Qabalah as it exists today is a vibrant, living and dynamic philosophy

which includes ideas on the origin of the entire Cosmos, the eternal mind of God,

and the spiritual development of humankind. It is a precise mystical system that

describes universal laws and shows us how to utilize spiritual principles in everyday

life. By firmly fixing Qabalistic symbols such as the Tree of Life in one's mind,

the aspirant has access to a balanced group of archetypes that the Inner Self can

more easily relate to, thus making true spiritual growth more readily attainable.

As the Hermetic studentbegins to contemplate and experience the energies of the

Sephiroth (the ten emanations of the Qabalistic Treeof Life)s/he will find that they

develop into genuine Forces that become animated within the psyche. These

newly awakened Forces will initiate a process of reorganization in the mind of the

student, gathering up disjointed elements of the Divine Powers which lay dormant

in the average person. They begin to structure themselves in accordance

with the Sephiroth, permitting the student to tap into a previously unknown

source of Divine Inspiration which is kept alive and prolific through meditation

and active ritual work. The Qabalah has often been called the "Ladder of Lights"

because it not only depicts Cosmic generation, which is the descent of the Divine

into the physical, but also defines how the individual may employ it for spiritual

ascent by purifying both body and mind through ceremony, contemplation, and

prayer, until at length one achieves that pristine state of consciousness that is necessary

to attain union with the Higher Self, which is the emissary to the Divine

Self represented by the first Sephirah of Kether.

Some people who have a brief encounter with the Qabalah come away

with the idea that it is a purely patriarchal or male-oriented philosophy simply

because of its Hebrew origins. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take for

example a word which is common throughout Qabalistic teachings, "Elohim." This

a word formed from a feminine noun, "Eloah" and a masculine plural "im." You

are left with a word that has both male and female characteristics which literally

means"gods"-the creative principle formed from the perfect and equal union of

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