Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The most physical expression of Fire is the visible, active phase of combustion

manifesting in heat and light. The Element of Fire was seen by the

Alchemists as an Element which operates at the center of all things, as well as the

"agent of transmutation" because all things are derived from and return to Fire.

This Element is seen as the great Supernal Father energy-the "seed" force of the

universe. It is an Element with two purposes: (1) it is an expression of spiritual

energy and the determination of the Spirit, (2) it purifies, bums, and destroys the

old so that the new may emerge. Thus it is a symbol of transformation and regeneration.

There is a direct parallel between the concepts of Fire and Life. Fire is an

image of energy found at the level of animal passions as well as on the plane of

spiritual fortitude. Its action is quick and unpredictable. To pass through Fire is

symbolic of transcending the human condition. The direction or cardinal point

assigned to Fire is South.

The Element ofWater

(Egyptian-Mu, Hebrew-Maim, Latin-Aqua, Greek-Hydor.) Qualities of

Water: passive, feminine, receptive, sustaining, subconscious, creative, fluidic,

and generative.

In a mundane physical sense, water is a liquid compound of hydrogen and

oxygen molecules. In an esoteric sense, the concept of Water implies all liquid

materials. Furthermore, the primeval Waters, the image of all primal matter, contain

all solid bodies before they obtain rigidity and form. The so-called "fluid

body" of man is translated by modem psychology as a symbol of the unconscious

or the archetypal feminine side of the personality. Water is seen as a symbol of the

Maternal, the Great Mother, as well as the great unfathomable and mysterious

well of Wisdom contained within the subconscious mind. In short, Water symbolizes

the infinite realm of possibilities, which precede all form and all creation. It is

limitless and immortal-the Waters of Creation. Submersion in Water alludes to a

return to the pre-formed state. Like the Element of Fire, Water also symbolizes the

ideas of transfiguration and regeneration. The direction or cardinal point assigned

to Water is West.

The Element ofAir

(Egyptian-NeJ, Hebrew-Ruach, Latin-Aer, Greek-Aer.) Qualities ofAir:active,

masculine, intellectual, ethereal, abstract, and communicative.

The physical expression of Air is that of a mixture of gases which forms the

atmosphere of the Earth. Symbolically,Air is related to the creative breath of Life,

and, therefore, speech. Light, flight, and weightlessness, as well as scent and smell

are all related to the Element of Air. It is connected in many mythologies with the

idea of creation and as a medium for movement and the emergence of life

processes. Air is a volatile Element which is considered by the Qabalists to be the

offspring of the Parental Elements of Fire and Water (thus creating steam). It is the

Reconciler between the rival Elements of Fire (male) and Water (female)-balancing

and equilibrating these two parental opposites. Air also alludes to the human

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