Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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and six months in each of the grades from Zelator through Practicus. Seven

months should be spent in the Philosophus grade, while the duration of the Portal

grade should be nine to twelve months. Ceremonial work provided in each

grade is to be performed daily (though sometimes weekly depending upon the ritual).

Finally the student can test his/her knowledge with the quizzes provided.

Although the main focus of this book is on the solitary practitioner, there

is no reason why two people cannot undertake the same course of study and

progress together. Itis certainly easier for two people to study the Knowledge Lecture

material and quiz each other. However, each person must spend the probationary

period separately while establishing his/her own dialogue with the godform

of Thme, The initiation ceremonies presented here may be performed

together so long as each person takes part in the visualizations and ritual gestures.

The longer speeches may be divided between the two participants. Another technique

which may prove helpful to one or two people undertaking this route is to

pre-record some of the longer speeches and guided visualizations presented for

later playback in the rituals. Hearing one's own voice speaking the words of the

gods can have a powerful initiatory effect.

There is also no valid reason why students who may already belong to a

Golden Dawn temple shouldnot perform these self-initiatory rituals, for performance

of them can only serve to increase the student's knowledge and proficiency.

The Knowledge Lectures and meditations given here can also be used to

supplement any student's existing gradework.

Ifthe student perseveres through this study course and the rituals furnished

here for self-attainment, we have no doubt that the result will be the birth of an initiate

of the Golden Dawn tradition of magic.Itis our sincerest hope that, through this

book, individuals who previously have had no opportunity to do so may initiate

themselves into the Western Mystery Tradition.e

Daily Awareness Exercises:

Preliminary Meditative Work

Darkness Technique: Before the commencement of any meditation, breathe deeply

and rhythmically. Cover your eyes with the palms of your hands; overlapping the

fingers of one hand with the other. You should experience total darkness.

Sense Awareness Techniques: For the duration of a week, take a daily walk

and make a mental note of everything you see, not focusing on anything in particular.

Do not attempt to analyze or make judgments; merely observe. Keep a

journal of your observations.

For the following week, take a daily walk and stop, deliberately focusing

in on one particular object. Take note of everything concerning this object.

On the following week of daily walking, try to look for a single color each

day. On Sunday look for orange; Monday-blue, Tuesday- red, Wednesdayyellow,

Thursday-violet, Friday-green, Saturday-blue-violet (indigo).

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