Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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communication between these various aspects of the Soul and of consciousness

itself. Ponder this for a few moments before continuing.

Imagine The Moon card before you. This card has been selected to symbolize the

Nephesh, centered in Yesod. The Key of the Moon represents both the subconscious

mind and the lower astral, full of phantoms and illusions. Itis also a card thatdepicts

sexuality, wants, desires and instincts. This corresponds with the shadow-self of the

Soul equivalent to the animal vitality and primal instincts. Meditate upon this.

Mentally embellish the symbolism of the cards in each rhythmic cycle. Feel the

energy of each image until they become animated scenes moving within your

imagination, proceeding from Nephesh to Yechidah and conversely from Yechidah

to Nephesh in an alternating progression. As the likeness of one card merges

into that of the one that follows it, see how the energies flow into one another. Also

imagine the subconscious Moon, the Nephesh, collecting and reflecting impressions

which stimulate the Ruach represented by Temperance-the cognizant decision-making

aspect of the Soul. The Ruach transmits this consciously to the

Neshamah or Divine Soul. This causes the descent of the Neshamah, symbolized

by the Empress, into all portions of the Soul, bringing with it an awareness of the

Divine Self. Continue this meditation for a short time.

After some time is spent on the visualizations, return to normal consciousness.

Face the East and say, "Unto thee, Tetragrammaton, be ascribed theKingdom, andthe

Power andtheGlory. Unto the ages, Amen."

Close the meditation by performing the Qabalistic Cross.«

The 32nd Path of Tau

The Sepher Yetzirah or Book of Formation describes the 32nd Path as "The Administrative

Intelligence, and it is so called because it directs and associates the

motions of the seven Planets, directing all of them in their own proper courses."

This is because the 32nd Path connects Malkuth (the Earth) with the balanced

energies of the seven Planets, represented by the hexagram on the Tree of Life

(from Yesod to Daath). The fact that it is described as the"Administrative Intelligence"

shows thatSpirit should be the directing Power behind the operation of all

of the seven Planets and their corresponding attributes in the human vehicle.

The 32nd Path connects the physical world of Malkuth to Yesod, the universal

subconscious realm and the astral blueprintwhich forms the foundation of

material existence. It is a passage way from the material realm to the astral plane;

a portal leading from sensory experience to inner examination. This Path is the

point at which the student begins to explore the Tree of Life as well as his/her

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