Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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The Zelator Grade 145

OAK: A constituent of the Secret Fire.

OPUS: The work. To bring Order out of Chaos.

ORB: The world.

OUROBORUS: The serpentwhich bites its own tail. Indicates the cyclic quality of

the Work.

PANACEA: The Universal Medicine obtained from the Stone.

PATER ET MATER REGIS: "The Father and Mother of the King." The combining

of opposites required for the production of the Philosopher's Stone.

PEACOCK: A symbol which heralds the fact that transformation is occurring. The

.brilliant colors of the peacock's tail (Cauda Pavonis) mark the beginning of

the process of integration, the formation of Philosophic Mercury. The varied

colors that arise during the course of the work which resemble the colors

of petroleum on a wet surface. (Alsoa symbolof Elemental Air.)

PELICAN: A symbol of the idea that the first matter contains within itself all that

is needed for transformation and purification.P The sacrificial stage of the

Alchemical process. A vessel used in the Work.

PHILOSOPHER'S STONE: Lapis Philosophorum. The Stone of the Wise. The

Magnum Opus. The Celestial Ruby. Symbol of the transmutation of

humanity's lower nature into the Higher Self. True spiritual attainment

and illumination. The search for the Philosopher's Stone is the search for

ultimate truth and purity. (Also called the Elixirof Life, or Tinciure.) In physical

Alchemy, the Stone is the manufacturing of Gold from a base metal. In

mystical Alchemy it is the transmutation of the Lower into the Higher.

PHILOSOPHIC MERCURY: A brilliant clear liquid sometimes called Sophie Fire

or "Our Mercury." It is described as "Water which does not wet the

hands." Different from "vulgar" Mercury or common quicksilver. In practical

Alchemy it is the vapor of antimony purified by iron. Also called

Refined or Prepared Mercury.

PHILOSOPHIC SPERM: Masculine fluids.

PHILOSOPHIC SULFUR: The masculine principle.

PHOENIX: The bird of rebirth and recurrence. A symbol of alchemical resurrection.

Indicates the preparation of the Red Tincture of the Solar forces,

Philosophic Sulfur. (Alsoa symbolof Elemental Fire.)

POWDER OF PROJECTION: The goal of the Hermetic Work which, being

projected upon metals, transforms them into Gold or Silver.

PRIMA MATERIA: The First Matter, the beginning of the Work, the base metal.

The first state of unformed matter. The Elementary substance of inherent

possibilities which contains the germs, seeds or potencies of all things. Itis

a fusion of the four Elements and is regarded to be the same as the Philosopher's

Stone. Also called Hyle.

34 Legend has it that the pelican feeds its young with blood from its own breast. This points to the

Alchemical idea that the secret "water" is obtained from the original substance and then returned to

it to initiate growth.

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