Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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Lesser Invoking


Lesser Banishing


The Forms oftheLesser Pentagram

URIEL look withfavor upon thisceremony! May theAngelPHORLAKH

and the rulerKERUB bealso in attendance! I have gained admission to

this temple through the Badge of theHermetic Cross. Hear me!I am one

whohas received theMystic Title ofPericlinus deFaustis andthesymbol

ofARETZ. As a wanderer in theWilderness, I invoke thepowers of Earth

to bear witnessto my spiritual endeavor. Grant me the knowledge of the

Element of Earth and the Active Realm, so that I may obtain greater

understanding ofHidden Things andthereby advance in theGreat Work.

Circumambulate the temple three times, saluting with the Neophyte Signs when

passing the East. Go to the West and face East. Give the Adoration to the Lord of

the Universe:

Holyart Thou, Lord of theUniverse! (Projection Sign)

Holyart Thou, Whom Nature hathnotformed! (PS)

Holyart Thou, theVast and theMighty One!(PS)

Lord of theLight, andof theDarkness! (Sign of Silence)

Go to the North and give the Zelator Sign. Recite the Prayer of the Gnomes:

o Invisible King, Who, taking theEarth for Foundation, didsthollow its

depths tofill themwith Thy Almighty Power. Thou whose Nameshaketh

theArches oftheWorld. Thou whocausest theSeven Metals toflow in the

veinsoftherocks, KingoftheSeven Lights, Rewarder ofthesubterranean

Workers, lead us intothedesirable Air andintotheRealm ofSplendor. We

watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve

stones of theHoly City,by theburied talismans, by theAxis of the Lodestonewhichpasses

through thecenter of the Earth-O Lord, 0 Lord, 0

Lord! Have pity upon those whosuffer. Expand our hearts, unbindand

upraise our minds,enlarge our natures.

o Stability andMotion! 0 Darkness veiled in Brilliance! 0 Dayclothed

in Night! 0 Master whonever dostwithhold thewages ofThy Workmen!

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