Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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sense of spiritual vitality and rapture they provided through elaborate induction

ceremonies. To be an initiate means that one is accepted into an inner circle whose

teachings and rituals are meaningful only to other members of the group who

share this common experience. It confers a sense of status and belonging, and of

having been uplifted through the disclosure of divinely inspired wisdom. The

candidate seeking admittance must first prove him/her self worthy of inclusion

into the group or magical tradition. The ritual of initiation is meant to purify and

prepare the candidate to receive the secrets and teachings of that tradition or current.

Anew initiate does not receive the total volume of knowledge immediately,

but in gradual stages. This process of spiritual evolution begins at the bottom of a

hierarchical ladder, each step of which is accompanied by an additional initiation

ceremony and further study.

Initiation is also a wonderfully fulfilling experience. Acandidate entering

the temple for the first time is in a heightened state of awareness; adrenaline is

pumping through the body, the senses are amplified-the whole being of the candidate

is poised and ready to receive an influx of energy. All of this is brought

about by the conscious decision to be initiated. We have seen some candidates

moved to tears or fainting with joy from the energy of an initiation ceremony. This

is the power of the decision to begin a spiritual Path.s

"Longhast thoudweltin Darkness, Quit theNight and Seek the Day."This one

sentence from the Neophyte Ritual of the Golden Dawn encompasses the primary

goal and aspiration of the student of the Mysteries; to exchange the mundane for

the Divine. That goal is based upon a journey of self-discovery and spiritual

attainment. Itis not just the awareness of the Divine, but also the bringing forth of

divinity into daily life. The very name of the Order-The Golden Dawn-alludes to

the shining brilliance of the Eternal and Divine Light, breaking through the confines

of Darkness to herald the birth of a new day in the evolution of humankind.

The aim of all the rituals and practical magical work of the Golden Dawn is to create

a spiritual bond between the magician and the Immortal Self.

The purposes for which the G.'. D.'. was formed were twofold; first, through

study, teaching, and organization, to serve as guardian of the Western Esoteric Tradition,

and second, to initiate, educate, and nurture those individuals called to carry

on the Great Work (that is, to become more than human, and to achieve union with

the Divine). For those individuals who are called to the Western Esoteric Mysteries,

the Golden Dawn system presents itself as a vital, consistent, and secure method for

spiritual enhancement.

The fundamental practices and techniques of the Golden Dawn's system

of psychic development are threefold; the first is initiation (astral and physical),

the second is assimilation of Qabalistic and Hermetic knowledge (the basic alphabet

of the magical language), and the third is personal ritual work. All three are

2 For one of my initiation ceremonies, I had undertaken a three-day fast and frequent meditations

beforehand. During the ritual, the smell of the incense, the symbols, the sounds, the speeches of the

officers, and every single aspect of the ceremony was so powerful and overwhelming to me that at

a moment of supreme realization and influx of energy, my knees began to fail me and I had to be

supported by one of the officers as the ritual continued. It was without a doubt one of the turning

points in my life.-STC

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