Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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ZEUS (equivalent to the Roman Jupiter): Originally the

Greek god of the sky and of all atmospheric phenomena,

Zeus was the lord of winds, clouds, thunder and rain. The

god is sometimes referred to as Nephelgeretes or "cloudgatherer."

He resided in the uppermost regions of the air

and on mountain tops. Later Zeus took on the characteristics

of a supreme god who was omnipotent and all-knowing.

A wise leader of gods and men, he ruled all in

accordance to the law of fate. Zeus is usually depicted as a

robust mature man with a serious expression and deep set

eyes. Thick hair and a curled beard frame his face and a

crown of oak leaves adorns his head. Sometimes nude, but

more often wearing a long mantle which uncovers his

chest and right arm, the god holds a scepter in his left

hand and a thunderbolt in his right. An eagle is sometime

shown at his feet.

HERA (equivalent to the Roman Juno): Queen of the gods.

Originally a Greek sky goddess, Hera became the wife of

Zeus, and the cults of the two sky-deities merged. The noisy

quarrels of Zeus and Hera were reflected in the storms and

atmospheric disturbances. Hera also has a connection with

the threephases of the moon. She is a champion of women

and fecundity.

Greek Gods ofthe Winds:

BOREAS: The North Wind, harsh and destructive, represented

as a winged mature man with hair floating in

the wind.

ZEPHYRUS: The West Wmd. Originally baleful, Zephyrus

later became a sweet-scented and beneficial wind.

EURUS: The East Wind.

NOTUS: The South Wind.

AEOLUS: Guardian and father of the winds appointed by

Zeus. He was the inventor of ships' sails, who could calm

or arouse the fury of the winds at will.

THOR or DONAR: The Teutonic god of thunder and

storm. Thor was the strongest of the gods and he is portrayed

as a tall vigorous man with a red beard traversing

across the heavens in a chariot pulled by goats. The Hammer

of Thor, called Mjollnir, was a symbol of the thunderbolt.

When his chariot rolled across the sky, it caused the

sound of thunder. When lightning was seen, it was said to

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