Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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possession of this book and consequently renamed it The Book of Enoch.) Raziel's

duty is to make Wisdom available to all who are able to hear it..Raziel, as the

teacher of Wisdom, stands atop the white pillar, sometimes envisioned as the Holy

Mountain, proclaiming the secrets of the world in a great reverberatingvoice. He is

the Archangel of creative force and energy. His symbols include a key, a book or

scroll, an eye, and a lamp.

TZAPHQIEL <,M'i'~~): The Archangel of Binah. Her name means "Beholder of

God" or "the contemplation of God." Additional titles include Binael and Tzaphqiel

Erelel (as the leader of the Angels known as the Erelim). She is the Eye of God, watching

and observing, through which the Divine knows and sees all. Tzaphqiel governs

meditation and contemplation. She is the Archangel of the archetypal temple, and is

behind the formation of all mystical groups that have emanated fromwhat is sometimes

referred to as "the Great White Lodge."44 The root word of her name, tzaph,

indicates the overflowing of water. Tzaphqiel is also the Archangel of Primal Manifestation.

Her symbols include an hourglass, a sickle, and a book.

TZADQIEL <,M'i"~): The Archangel of Chesed. His name means "Righteousness

of God." This indicates a rightness by justification after the application of tests and

tribulations. It implies one whose essence is essentially correct. The root word of

this name, tzad, indicates the action of setting snares and hindrances (in order to

test). Tzadqiel's duty is to direct everything to its best possible state of being, to

make things perfect in order to assure that the ascent to the Divine is possible.

Additional titles include Tzadqiel Gedulael and TzadqielChashmadel (as the leader of

the Angels known as Chashmalim). He is the Angel of benevolence, abundance, joy,

mercy, and memory. His symbols include the rod or staff of guidance, a shepherd

crook and an orb.

KHAMAEL <,M~~): The Archangel of Geburah. His name means "the Severity of

God."45 Khamael is the protector of the wronged, and also the Avenging Angel

who pursues those who break both human and universal laws. He is associated

with divine justice and severity. Khamael is sometimes called "The right hand of

God"-metingout justice in order to restore a state of balance throughout the Tree

of Life. He controls the aspects of burning and destroying in order to purify and

44 Also referred to as the "Inner Council of Masters" or "SecretChiefs:' These arehumanbeings who

are said to have evolved spiritually beyond the need for physical bodies. They remain in the Earth

plane to teach younger, less evolved initiates through direct inner communication.

45William Gray erroneously stated that the root of this name was khab, which meant to suffer, to feel

pain or make war. However, prominent Golden Dawn scholar Adam P.Forrest has pieced together

the true origin of this name. According to Forrest, the original Archangel of Mars was Samael-a

name that MacGregor Mathers changed to Zamaelin order to avoid confusion with the Qliphotic

Samael. When the Qabalists began to assign Archangels to the Sephiroth, someone attributed a list of

Planetary Archangels to their corresponding Sephiroth, and the martial Samael was naturally

assigned to Geburah. At some point this list was copied into Greek. In late Greek writing, the letter

Sigma (the first letter in Samael) came to be drawn in the shape of a "C:' Still later, when the Greek

list was copied into Latin, the copyist made the error of transliterating the Greek name of CAMAHL

as "Camael" rather than "Samael," Even later, someone (perhaps a member of the Golden Dawn)

back-transliterated Camael as ~M~~ and thus was Khamael born. And although it originated as an

error in transliteration, it does help magicians distinguish between Samael, Archangel of Evil, Zamael,

Archangel of Mars, and Khamael, Archangel of Geburah.

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