Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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power, crime, exposure, isolation, perspective, awareness of the masses, covert

activities, and the exclusive. Many consider it to be the higher octave of Mars.

Pluto's action is slow, ponderous and inescapable.

Finally, we must refer to the Earth which is not usually portrayed along

with the other Planets. This is because the Earth as a Planet never leaves our

sphere of experience. It is terra firma-a constant that is always with each of us,

here and now, under our feet (so long as modem man does not destroy her). Itrepresents

the physical plane and mundane matters. In astrological terms the Earth is

tentatively ruled by Taurus. Its Key word is Reality. In a horoscope, the Earth is

always the exact opposite of the Sun by Sign, degree, and house placement. It

alludes to the individual's mission in life.o

Table of Essential Dignities

Planet Dignity Detriment Exaltation Fall

Saturn 'P,== §,<Q ~ Of

Jupiter .0,* IT,ll) § ".P

Mars Of,IlL ~,() 't)o §

Sol 61.


Of ~

Venus (),~ IlL,Of ll)


Mercury IT,ll) x",* .....


Luna § 't)o () IlL




Neptune ll)


Pluto IlL ()

SECTION 4: The Qabalah

6l IlL ()

Qabalah is a Hebrew word which means "tradition." It is derived

from the root word qibel, meaning "to receive." This refers to the

ancient custom of handing down esoteric knowledge by oral transmission.

What the word Qabalah encompasses is an entire body of

ancient Hebrew mystical principles that are the cornerstone and

focus of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Virtually all Western spiritual

systems can trace their roots to the Qabalistic Treeof Life.The exact origins of

the Qabalah are unclear, but it certainly contains some vestiges of Egyptian, Greek,

and Chaldean influence.

By its nature, mysticism is knowledge that cannot be communicated

directly but may be expressed only through symbolism and metaphor. Like other

esoteric systems, Qabalah also draws upon the mystic's awareness of the transcendence

of the eternal deity.Another element of Qabalah is that it seeks to reveal

the hidden mysteries of the Divine as well as the connection between the divine

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