Cicero - Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition_Part 01

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TheZelator Grade 209

number of times, embellishing upon the symbolismofthe cards in each rhythmic

cycle. Feel the energy of each Elemental image until they become animated

scenes moving within your imagination, proceeding from Fire to Water, Air and

Earth in rhythmic progression. As the likeness of one card merges into that of the

one that follows it, see how the energies flow into one another in the formula of

the Tetragrammaton.

After some time is spent on the visualization, discontinue the Fourfold Breath and

resume normal breathing.

Face the East and say, "Unto thee, Tetragrammaton, beascribed theKingdom, and the

Power andtheGlory. Untotheages, Amen."

Close the meditation by performing the Qabalistic Cross.e


For thegrade ofZelator

For this ritual the Zelator will need a black robe, black and white striped nemyss,

and the Outer Wand of Double Power/Upon the altar should be a black candle, a

paten of bread and salt, and one of the talismanic emblems mentioned on page 205.

The temple is to be arranged in accordance with the Zelator Hall (as in the second

part of the initiation ceremony).

Relax for a few moments and perform the Fourfold Breath.

Go to the Northeast and say, "HEKAS, HEKAS, ESTEBEBELOIl"

With the black end of the wand, perform the LBRP.

(Saythe following invocation:) Stoop notdown intothatdarkly splendid

world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in

gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding, a black

ever-rolling Abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless andvoid.

Go clockwise to the East. With the white end of the wand, trace the Lesser invoking

Pentagram. Thrust the wand through the center of the figure and vibrate, "AGLA!"

Do this also in the South, West, and finally in the North; drawing the same pentagram

and intoning the same word in all four quarters.

(Remain in the North and say:) In the DivineName ADONAI HA­

ARETZ, I open this temple in the Element of Earth. May theArchangel

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